Index Marrs, Mrs Kingsmill, Chairman of Ex- ecutive Committee, report of, 254. Mason, C. B., Secretary, report of, 271. McConnell, Harry B., Christmas Bird Census, 23. Miller, Frank M. , President, report of, 258. Miller, James H., Photographs by, 130, 205. Miller, W. deW., Reviews by, 69, 107, 139, 140; Notes from Plainfield, New Jersey, 138; Migrant Strike in Spring, 173; Black Terns near New York City, 211. Mitchell, I. N., and Cheever, W. H., Christmas Bird Census, 24. Montgomery, Thos H., Jr., The Amount of Science in Oology, 95. Morgan Albert, Photograph by, 164. Nichols, E. G. See Johnson, H. R. Nichols, L. N. See Johnson, H. R. Norris, William M., Jr., Christmas Bird Census, 20. Olmstead, Rett. E , The Little Green Heron, 12; with Dunnavan, Frank, Christmas Bird Census, 23. Onderdonk, Elmer, Christmas Bird Cen- sus, 20. Packard, W. H., and VanDeusen, C. S., Christmas Bird Census, 23. Palmer, T. S., Reviews by, 31, 106, 139, 140, 176, 214. Pangburn, Clifford H., and Pangburn, Dwight B., Christmas Bird Census, 17. Pangburn, D. B., and Saunders, A. A., Christmas Bird Census, 17. Parrish, L. A., Christmas Biid Census, Parrott, Mrs. William F. , Secretary, re- port of, 257. Parsons, Katharine S., Our Robin's Nest, 66. Patten, Mrs John D., Secretary, report of, 250. Pearson, T. Gilbert, Note on National Meeting of State Game Wardens and Commissioners, 75; Secretary, report of, 266. Pepoon, Dr. H. S. See Gates, Frank Phillips, Charles, and Borgen, Nels. , Christ- mas Bird Census, 24. Pierce, Nettie S., Christmas Bird Census, 18. Redfield, Alfred C, Christmas Bird Cen- sus, 20. Reese, August, Secretary, report of, 263. Robbins, Samuel D., Feeding Birds in Winter, 171. Roe. Mrs. F. W., Our Garden Mocking- bird, 190. Rogers, Charles H., Christmas Bird Cen- sus, 18, 19. Rottermann, Miss M. K., Secretary, report of, 267. Saunders, A. A., and Honywill, A. W., Christmas Bird Census, 17. Saunders, A. A., The Habits of the Black Vulture in Nicaragua, 165. Schaeffer, J. Parsons, Do Snakes Charm Birds? r37. Scorgie, Helen C, and Elvera L., Christ- mas Bird Census, 25. Scribner, Miss Julia, Secretary, report of, 264. Seeman, Earnest, Christmas Bird Census, 2 1 . Severson, Henry P., Christmas Bird Cen- sus, 24. Sharpies, Robert P. , The Amount of Science in Oology, 169. Sharpies, Robert. See Jackson, Thomas. Spray, S. J., Tame Wild Ducks, 59. Smith, E. E. See Ford, R. W. Smith, Frank, and Gross, Alfred O., Christmas Bird Census, 23. Smith, Wilbur F., Christmas Bird Census, 17; Photographing a Red-tailed Hawk's Nest, 138. Soule, Caroline G., The Blue Jay as a De- stroyer of Eggs and Young Birds, 210. Stead, Edgar F., The Wry-bill Plover of New Zealand, 185. Stillman, William M., Adirondack Notes, 208. Stone, Witmer, Reviews by, 107; Nothing New Under the Sun, 136; In Memoriam, 142; President's report, 270. Strong, Selah B., Russell W. and Kate W., Christmas Bird Census, 19. Stupp, Frederick J., Christmas Bird Cen- sus, 17. Tarson, Adrian, Christmas Bird Census, 24- Taverner, P. A., The Yellow-breasted Chat, 131. Thayer, Abbott H., A Robin Episode, 103. Thayer, Mrs. May R., Christmas Bird Census, 24. Thayer, Gerald H., A Brief General Class- ification of the Songs of Eastern North American Wood Warblers, 64. Thwaites, Mrs. Jessie T., Secretary, report of, 275. Towles, S. S., Poem by, 98. Trafton, Gilbert H., Christmas Bird Cen- sus, 19. Tullsen, H., A May Snow-storm, 105. Tufts, LeRoy M., Christmas Bird Census, H- Van Altena, E., Photograph by, 9, 88. Van Deusen, C S. See Packard, W. H. Van Sant, Florence A., Poem by, 130. Way, W. Scott, Secretary, report of, 249. Wellman, Sargent H., Wright, Horace W., and Wellman, Gordon B., Christmas Bird Census, 16.
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