Index Rook, 197. Roosevelt, Theodore, letter from, 239. Sandpiper, Bartramian, 235, figured, 11, Supplement Special Leaflet No. 6; Least, 44; figured, 43. Sandpipers, 56. Scaup, American, 45, 193; Lesser, 193. Shoveller, 193. Shrike, Migrant, 108, 173, Northern, 33; White- rumped, 105. Siskin, Pine, 43 Snipe, Wilson's, 44. Songs of Warblers, 64. South Carolina, 48, 232. South Dakota, 24, 105. Sparrow, English, 67, 69, 137, 175, 210; Fox, 43, 47; Large-billed, 106; Seaside, 31; Song, 33; figured, 177; Vesper, 52; Western Lark, 105; White-throated, 52. Subspecies, 107. Swallow, Bank, figured, 130; Barn, 173, 208; Cliff, 69, 173. Swallows, 52, 197. Swift, Black, 31; Chimney, 87. Swifts, 30. Tanager, Scarlet, 147; figured, facing 147. Teal, Blue-winged, 45; nest figured, 135; Green-winged, 45. Tennessee, 22. Tern, Black, 211; Common, 46; Arctic, figured, 241 . Texas, 78, 272. Thrasher, Brown, figured, 91. Thrush, Wood, figured, 88. Titmouse, Tufted, 209. Towhee, 52; figured, 124; Rocky Moun- tain, 31; White-eyed, 32. Turkey, Wild, 30, 55, 69. Vermont, 15, 275. Vermont Birds' Club, Bulletin No. 1 of the, reviewed, 176. Verrill's 'Addition to the Avifauna of Dominica,' noticed, 70. Vireo, Blue-headed, 123. Virginia, 173, 232. Vulture, Black, 165. Vultures, 55. Wagtail, Cape, 211. Warbler, The, reviewed, 32, 178. Warbler Songs, 64. Warbler, Audubon's, figured, facing 43; Bachman's, 26, 64, 65; figured, facing 1; Bay-breasted, 64, 60; Black and White, 64, 65; Blackburnian, 64, 65, 69; Black- poll, 43, 47, 64, 65; Black-throated, 64, 203; figured, facing 185; Black- throated, Green, 31; Blue-winged, 31, 64, 65; Canadian, 64, 65; Cape May, 64, 65; Cerulean, 64, 65, 204; figured, facing 185; Chestnut-sided, 64, 65; fig- ured, 164; Connecticut, 64, 65; Golden- winged, 31, 64, 65; Hooded, 64, 65; Kentucky, 64, 65 ; Kirtland's, 64; Lucy's, 134; figured, facing 117; Magnolia, 43, 64, 65; Mourning, 43, 64, 65; Myrtle, 61, 64, 65,69; figured, facing 43 ; Nash- ville, 64, 65; Olive, figured, facing 117, 134; Orange-crowned, 64; Palm, 64, 65; Parula, 64, 65, 168; figured, facing 151; Pine, 64, 65; Prairie, 64, 65; Prothon- otary, 64, 65; Sennett's, 169; figured, facing 151; Swainson's, 26, 64, 65; fig- ured, facing 1; Sycamore, 64, 65; Vir- ginia's, 134; figured, facing 117; Wil- son's, 64, 65; Worm-eating, 27, 64, 65; figured, facing 1; Yellow, 64, 65; Yel- low-throated, 64, 65. Washington, 24. Water-thrush, Lousiana, 64, 65, 102; fig- ured, facing 83; Northern, 64, 65, ior; figured, facing 83. Weaver-birds, 52. Whippoorwill, 53, 83; figured, 84. Willcox Albert, 178, 226. Wilson Bulletin, The, reviewed, 31, 107, 178. Wisconsin, 24, 126, 275. Wisconsin Bird Study Bulletin, reviewed, 69. Woodcock, American, figured, 9. Woodpecker, Arctic Three-toed, 158; Downy, 68; figured, 171; Ivory-billed, 67; Red-bellied, 69. Woodpeckers, 53. Wren, Bewick's, 69 ; Carolina, 138 ; House, 67; Marsh, 31; Western House, 172; nest figured, 173; Winter, 43. Yellow-legs, Lesser, 45. Yellow-throat, Florida, 64, 65: Maryland, 64, 65; Northern, 64, 65; Rio Grande, figured, facing 83.
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