Index VI Hanks, C. S., 'Camp Kits and Camp Life,' reviewed, 213. Heron, Green, 12; figured, 12; Ward's, 32- Herons, 56. Herrick's 'Life and Instinct,' noticed, 32; 'The Home Life of Wild Birds,' re- viewed, 176. Hummingbirds, 30, 208. Illinois, 12, 23, 255. Italy, 196. Indiana, 25, 68, 78, 256. Iowa, 83, 151, 257. Jackdaw, 197. Jay, Blue, 181, 210; figured, facing 181. Jays, 52. Judd's 'The Grouse and Wild Turkeys of the United States, and Their Economic Value,' reviewed, 30. Junco, 43. Kansas, 22, 25. Kentucky, 22. Killdeer, 220, figured, facing 221. Kingbird, 117, 138; figured, 120. Kingfisher, Belted, 79; figured, facing 79. Kingfishers, 53. Kinglet, Golden-crowned, 208. Kittiwake, 90. Lark, Horned, 30, 52, 105; Prairie Horned, 69. Longspur Lapland, 208. Loon, figured, 160. Louisiana, 21, 230, 258. Magdalen Island, 43. Maine, 14, 32, 260. Maine Ornithological Society, Journal of the, reviewed, 107, 177. Mallard, 193. Martin, Gray-breasted, 107; Purple, 137. Massachusetts, 15, 16, 25, 136, 171, 174, 210, 230, 260 Maynard's 'Directory of Birds of Eastern North America,' noticed, 70. McAtee's 'The Horned Larks and Their Relations to Agriculture,' reviewed, 30. Meadowlark, 52; figured, ir. Merganser, Red-breasted, 45. Michigan, 31, 32, 260. Migration, 26. Minnesota, 24, 161, 262. Mississippi, 30, 230. Missouri, 171, 263 . Mockingbird, 190. Montana, 31. Nebraska, 263. New Hampshire, 14, 263. [264. Newjersey, 9, 19, 20, 31, 32, 67, 173, 231, New York, 17, 18, 25, 32, 33, 66, 103, 104, 158, 209, 210, 231, 265. New York Zoological Society, Tenth An- nual Report of, 1905, reviewed, 140. New Zealand, 185. Nicaragua, 165. Nighthawk, Pacific, 31. North Carolina, 21, 266. North Dakota, 267. Nuthatch, 52; Red-breasted, 6, 159, 172, 209. Oberholser's North American Eagles, re- viewed, 213. Ohio, 22, 267. Oklahoma, 268. Old Squaw, 45. Ontario, 14. Oology, 9^, 169, 205. Oregon, 268. Oriole, Baltimore, 103, 173, 208. Orioles, 52. Osprey, 55 ; foot figured, 81 : bill figured, 82. Ostrich, 58. 'Our Animal Friends,' notice of discontinu- ation of, 215. Ovenbird, 64, 65, 100; figured, facing 83. Owl, Burrowing, 55; Saw-whet, 43; Screech, 31; figured, 27; Short-eared, 43; Snowy, 44; foot figured, 54. Owls, 52, 53, 54; feet figured, 54. Paroquet, Carolina, 32, 67. Parrots, 53, 54. Partridge, California Mountain, figured, 99; California Valley, figured, 63. Pelican, Brown, foot figured, 58. Pelicans, 57. Penguin, Black-footed, feet figured, 58. Pennsylvania, 20, 21, 25, 69, 123, 270, 271. Petrel, Leach's, 89; Wilson's, 70. Phalaropes, 57. Phcebe, Say's, 105. Plover, Piping, 44; Semipalmated, 44; figured, 45; Wry-bill, figured, 185. Plovers, 56. Ptarmigan, 56. Quail, 52, 55, 248. Rail, Little Black, 136. Raven, 46. Redpoll, 43. Redstart, American, 64, 65; Tropical, 70. Reed's 'Bird Guide, Part II, Land Birds East of the Rockies, From Parrots to Bluebirds,' reviewed, 30; 'Bird Guide, Part I, Water Birds, Game Birds and Birds of Prey East of the Rockies,' re- viewed, 139 Rhode Island, 272. Richard's 'Baby Bird-finder,' Volume II, reviewed, 139. Robin, American, 66, 69, 76, 103, 126; figured, 127. Robins, Mrs. Edward, notice of death of, 142.
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