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São Paulo; Chapada, Matte Grosso) to Paraguay (Lambaré), Bolivia (Moxos; Guarayos), eastern Peru (Pebas; Yurimaguas; Xoberos), and eastern Ecuadór (Sarayacu); Trinidád; St. Andrews Island, Caribbean Sea.
- (?)Trochilus violicauda Boddaert, Tabl. Pl. Enl., 1783, 41 (based on Le Colibri à queue violette de Cayenne Buffon, Pl. Enl., pl. 671, fig. 2.
- Lampornis violicauda Elliot, Ibis, 1872, 351; 1877, 141 (Moxos and Guarayos, Bolivia); Classif. and Synop. Troch., 1879, 38. — Layard, Ibis, 1873, 388 (Pará, Brazil; food). — Sclater and Salvin, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1875, 235 (Mérida, Venezuela); 1879, 528 (Colombia), 626 (Moxos and Guarayos, Bolivia). — Boucard, The Hum. Bird, ii, 1892, 85 (Bogotá, Colombia). — Ridgway, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., iii, 1880, 310 (specimens in coll. U. S. Nat. Mus.). — Salvin, Cat. Strickland Coll., 1881, 361; Ibis, 1885, 432 (Roraima, Brit. Guiana, 3,500 ft.); Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., xvi, 1892, 92, part (Lion Hill and Paraiso, Panamá; Cauca Valley and Bogotá, Colombia; Roraima, Brit. Guiana; Mexiana I., Santarém, Pará, Pemambuco, Bahia, etc., Brazil; Trinidád; Cobati, Rio Negro; upper Amazons) . — Taczanowski, Orn. du Pérou, i, 1884, 281. — Salvin and Godman, Biol. Centr.-Am., Aves, ii, 1892, 277 (Lion Hill and Paraiso, Panamá). — Chapman, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., vi, 1894, 56 (Trinidád). — Phelps, Auk, xiv, 1897, 366 (Cumanacoa, Venezuela). — Loat, Ibis, 1898, 565 (Brit. Guiana). — Bangs, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., xii, 1898, 135 (Santa Marta, Colombia); Proc. New Engl. Zool. Club, ii, 1900, 19 (Loma del León, Panamá). — Ihering, Aves de S. Paulo, 1899, 255 (Piquete); Rev. Mus. Paulista, iv, 1900, 72 (descr. nest and eggs); iv, 1900, 159 (Cantogallo and Novo Friburgo, s. Brazil). — Stone, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1899, 301, in text (St. Andrews Is., Caribbean Sea). — Allen, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., v, 1893, 122 (Chapada, Matto Grosso); xiii, 1900, 141 (Bonda, etc., Santa Marta). — Hagman, Zool. Jahrb., 1907, 34 (Mexiana I.).
- [Lampornis] violicauda Sclater and Salvin, Nom. Av. Neotr., 1873, 81. — Sharpe, Hand-list, ii, 1900, 118.
- (?)[Trochiliis] punctulatus Gmelin, Syst. Nat., i, pt. i, 1788, 488 ("Nova Hispania"). — Latham, Index Orn., i, 1790, 306.
- (?)Trochilus] punctulatus Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., vii, 1817, 358; Tabl. Enc. Méth., 1822, 552.
- (?)[Trochilus] albus Gmelin, Syst. Nat., i, pt. i, 1788, 488.
- (?)[Trochilus] nitidus Latham, Index Orn., i, 1790, 305 (new name for T. albus Gmelin).
- (?)Trochilus nitidus Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., vii, 1817, 354 (cites Ois. Dor., pl. 11).
- (?)Trochilus punctatus Audebert and Vieillot, Ois. Dorés, i, 1801, 21, pl. 8 — Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., vii, 1817, 357; Tabl. Enc. Méth., 1822, 550.
- (?)Trochilus fasciatus Shaw, Gen. Zool., viii, part i, 1812, 303 (Paraguay).
- Trochilus nigricollis Vieillot, Nouv. Dict. d'Hist. Nat., vii, 1817, 349 (Brazil); Tabl. Enc. Méth., 1822, 553.
- Lampomis nigricollis Berlepsch, Journ. für Orn., 1884, 309 (Bucaramanga, Colombia; crit. nomencl.); 1887, 17 (Lambaré, Paraguay), 120 (Paraguay), 316 (Bogotá; synonymy); 1889, 100 (Tonantins, n. w. Brazil; n. e. Peru), 305 (Yurimaguas, e. Pem); Zeitschr. Orn., 1887, 186 (Bogotá). — Simon, Mém. Soc. Zool. France, ii, 1889, 219 (San Esteban, Venezuela). — Berelpsch