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Wager, 610 Chap. III., White is Black and Black is White, 614 Chap. IV., the Duel, 616 Chap. V., White is White, 618.

Galley slaves, 40. Geneva, Protestantism in, 162. Geographic des Herodot, notice of, 3. Germans in London, 25. Ghent, the prisoner of, by B. Simmons, 98. Gipsies in London, 31. Goldsborougb, Robert, case and trial of, 553. Goldsmith's Deserted Village, illustrations to, by the Etching Club, reviewed, 122. Hamburg, the conflagration at, 797. IB., Lines to, by the author of the Life of Burke, 535. Heiress and her friends, the, Chap. I., 64 Chap. II., 66 Chap. III., 69 Chap. IV., 73 Chap. V., 76 Chap. VI., 80 Chap. VII., 82. Heraut to Ourenbourg, narrative of a journey from, 691. Herodotus, the philosophy of, 1 general misconception regarding, ib. impor- tance of the era preceding him, ib. his merits as a geographer, 2 causes of the erroneous views regarding him, 3-8 his work not exclusively a his- tory, 4 viewed as a depository of le- gends, 6 as a political economist, 7 increasing estimation in which he is held, 9 his theory of the solar system, 10 his parallelism between the Danube and Nile, 12 on his Africa, 14 his chronology, 20. Herodotus, Cleobis and Biton, a story from, 536. Homeless people in London, 173. Homer's hymn to Aphrodite, translation of, 579. Hogarth, defence of, 390. Horticultural exhibitions, 425. Hugo, Victor, a tale from the drama of, 799. Huntley, William, supposed murder of, and trial for it, 553. Hymn to Aphrodite, from Homer, trans- lation of, 579. Impostures, 51. Income-tax, review of its merits and de- merits, 540, 551. Ireland, present state of, 509. Italian opera, the, 429. Italians in London, 23. Italy, sketches of, No. III., galley slaves, Leghorn, 40 museums at home and abroad, 42 zoological gardens, ib. Pisa, 44 its museum, 46 its botanic garden, 47 Florence, museum of, 48 birds in it, 49 snake room, 50 No. IV., approach to Venice, 721 Ve- nice, 723 the prisons, 724 the so- ciety of St Rock, 726 travellers in Italy, &c. 728 St George's, 729 Na- poleon's acacia garden, 730 St Marc's, 732 the pictures, ib. the armoury, 733 bead manufactory, 734 the re- gatta, 735 the Armenian convent, 737 the bridge of sighs, 738. Jews in London, 26. Johnstone's agricultural chemistry, review of, 738. Johnson, Dr, anecdotes of, from the me- moirs of Madame D'Arblay, 784. Journey from Heraut to Ourenbourg, nar- rative of, 691. Kaubool and Affghanistan, 676. Kennedy's (Dr) narrative of the cam- paign in Kaubool and Affghanistan, re- view of, 676. Khiva, narrative of a journey to, 691. Law of Lauriston, sketch of the career of, 53. Legend of St Rosalie, the, a Poem, by Delta, 101. Letter to Christopher North. " Who is the Murderer?" 553. Lewis on the Government of Dependen- cies, review of, 213. Libel law, the, 141. Lines to IB., by the author of the life of Burke, &c., 535. London, the world of. Part VIII. Fo- reigners in London French, 22 Ita- lians, 23 Savoyards, 24 Spaniards, 25 Germans, ib. Americans, ib. Jews, 26 Gipsies, 31. Part IX. homeless people in London, 173 homeless great people,, 174 club peo- ple, 176 parlour people, 177 din- nerless homeless people, 185 utterly homeless people, 190 Part X. Lon- don recreations, 370 social relaxa- tions, 373 going in state, 375 the parks and gardens, 380 fairs, 384 the Derby day, 386 Part XL, 417 exhibitions, 419 the British museum, 420 the National Gallery, 421 the Zoological Society's exhibitions, 424 Horticultural exhibitions, 425 music, 426 the Italian opera, 429 the thea- tres, 431 Part XII. Theatricals, 639 the abbey and tower, 648 killed, wounded, and missing, 650. Mackay's memoirs of popular delusion, review of, 51. Malediction of Father Tudkin, the, a tale, 248. Marriage, proposed changes in the law of, 513. Mississippi Scheme, sketch of the history of the, 57. Morell, Mademoiselle de, case of, 768. Morena of Malaga, the, 756. Museums at home and abroad, 42. Music, (the World of London,) 426 (Things of the Day.) 621. Narrative of a Journey from Heraut to Ourenbourg, by Captain Sir Richmond