Shakespear, 691 departure from He-
raut, ib his fellow travellers, 693
hi* Affghan costume, 690 arrival at
Yellatoon, 696 and at Merve, ib
routes to Heraut, 698 a Turcoman
shepherd, 700 arrival at the Oxus,
701 and at Khiva, 702 interviews
with the khan, ih. 703 adventure of
Captain Abbott, 703 meeting with an
Italian, ib. review of the journey, 704
Turcoman horses and horsemanship,
705 character and habits of that peo-
ple, 706 character of the khan, 712
departure for Ourenbourg, ib. and
arrival there, 720.
National gallery, the, 421.
Natural in art, the, 435.
Northern Circuit, the, No. I. introduc-
tion, 193 Samuel Hogginbuck, Chap.
I.,197 Chap.II.,203 Chap.lII.,207
No. II. the Dumpling, Chap. I., 356
Chap II., 359 Chap. III., 363
Chap. IV., 366 No. III. introduction,
487 Fluffy Jack, Chap. I., 488
Chap. II., 492 Chap. III., 497 Chap.
IV., 504 No. IV. introduction, 661
Chap. I., 662 -Chap. II., 665 Chap.
III., 668 Chap. IV., 672.
Notes on the fishers of the Scotch east
coast, 296 their dialect, ib. their
villages, 297,299 their costume,297
and personal appearance, 298 their
superstitions, 299 their teenames, 300
Anecdotes of them, 301 their ha-
bits, 302 prevalence of smuggling
among them, 304.
Nunneries, 623.
Ode on the ceremonial at Windsor, by
B. Simmons, 531.
Oracles, the pagan, 277.
Ourenbourg, narrative of a journey to, 691.
Over the channel, 159.
Pagan oracles, the, 277.
Paris, chronicles of the Cite of, 87.
Parks and gardens of London, the, 380.
Parliament, the new houses of, thoughts
on the modes of ornamenting, 388
objections to fresco, ib. and to oil
painting on the walls, 389 objections
to exclusively historical paintings, 389,
391 defence of Hogarth, 390 sub-
jects suggested, 395.
Passages in the career of El Empecinado.
Part I., 521. Part II., La Morena de
Malaga, 756.
Peel, Sir Robert, policy of, 537 motives
for his proposed alteration of the corn
laws, 538 his financial policy and
measures, 540, 550 his personal posi-
tion, 542 exposure of the fallacies on
the corn question, 544 general sum-
mary on it, 550 his proposed income
tax, ib.
Philosophy of Herodotus, the, 1 see
Photography, 517.
Pisa, 44 its museum, 46 its botanic
garden, 47.
Poor laws, the, 518.
Poetry The prisoner of Ghent, by B.
Simmons, 98 The legend of St Rosalie,
by Delta, 101 De Cresci, 242" 'Tis
hard to die in spring, "332 Ode on the
ceremonial at Windsor, by B. Sim-
mons, 531 ballad " A health to
thee," by the same, 534 To FB., by
the author of the life of Burke, &c.
535 Cleobis and Biton, a story from
Herodotus, 536 Translation of Ho-
mer's hymn to Aphrodite, 579 The
evening walk, 653.
Popular delusions, Mackay's memoirs of,
reviewed, 51.
Portraits of Versailles, the, 323.
Prior, James, Esq., lines to IB. by, 535.
Prisoner of Ghent, the, by B. Simmons,
Problem in the law of circumstantial evi-
dence, 553.
Protestantism in Geneva, 162 effects of
the works of Turretini on, ib. its
Socinian character, 655 effects of its
former Calvinistic character in pro-
ducing this, 171.
Prussian monarchy, rise and progress of
the, 333.
Q. Q. Q , letter from, to Christopher
North, 553.
Railway accident at Versailles, the, 794.
Ramble on the Downs, a, 156.
Recreations of the Londoners, the, 370.
Rencontre in St Peter's, a, 347.
Roadside sketches, 153 a ramble on the
Downs, 156 over the Channel, 159.
Roamings in Rome, a rencontre in St
Peter's, 347 a Roman execution un-
der Gregory XVI., 348 the Fuocista,
350 the Catherine wheel, 352 the
Villa Medici, 354.
Roden, Lord, 150.
Roman execution under Gregory XVI., a,
Rome, roamings in, 347.
Ronciere, Emil de la, trial of, 768.
St Rosalie, the legend of, by Delta, 101.
Savoyards in London, 24.
Science and agriculture, 738.
Shakespear, Sir Richmond, narrative by,
of a journey from Heraut to Ourenbourg,
Simmons, B., poems by, the Prisoner of
Ghent, 98 ode on the ceremonial at
Windsor, 531 ballad, " A health to
thee," 534.
Sketches, roadside, 153.
Sketches of Italy, No. III. Galley slaves,
Leghorn, 40 museums at home and
abroad, 42 zoological gardens, ib.
Pisa, 44 its museum, 46 its botanic
garden, 47 the Florence museum, 48
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