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On the Wanton Girls and wanton Wives of HULL.

You bucks of Hull I pray draw near,
and liſten to my ſtory.
Since the Highland lads have been in town,
wives and girls were in their glory;
Theſe gallant heroes of Waterloo,
they merrily lead their lives, ſir.
They ſport and play with pretty girls,
and of oft with ſailors' wives, ſir.

Almoſt every night in the Garriſon,
thoſe wives attend the parade, ſir,
The Highland lads tip them the wink,
O thus the bargain's made, ſir,
Then arm in arm, ſo lovingly,
to a dram ſhop take their way, ſir.
Then back again to the barrack rooms,
and all night with them lay, ſir.

A Captain's Miſs as we are told,

who dreſſes fine and gay, ſir,