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To the Garriſon ſhe went each night,
to hear the muſic play, ſir.
For the ſcarlet coat and glittering ſword,
is her chief delight, ſir,
To drink a bottle of wine or two,
and with them paſs the night, ſir.

Miſs Dorothy, with face well parch'd,
ſhe cuts a tearing ſhow, ſir.
With hat of blue and ſpencer green,
you may her well know ſir;
The widow alſo trips the green,
dreſs'd in her widow weeds, ſir,
And well ſhe treats the Highland lads,
for their noble deeds, ſr.

Poor ſailor Jack to the ſea he went
to kill the Greenland whale ſir.
He left his ſpouſe a guinea a month,
to draw it ſhe did not fail ſir,
Then lay with the ſoldier every night.
a very pretty rig ſir,
To get him money and ruffled ſhirts,
ſhe ſold a good fat pig, ſir.

I think theſe wives are going mad,

with an itching in their t---s, ſir,