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Sacred Heart of Jesus, flanked by the lamb and the pelican.


  1. SS. Marcellinus and Peter, and Erasmus, B.M.M.
  2. St. Francis Caracciolo, C.
  3. St. Boniface, B.M.
  4. St. Norbert, B.C.
  5. SS. Primus and Felician, MM.
  6. St. Margaret of Scotland, Q.W.
  7. St. Barnabas, Ap.
  8. St. John of St. Facundo, C.
  9. St. Anthony of Padua, C.
  10. St. Basil the Great, B.C.D.
  11. SS. Vitus, Modestus, and Crescentia, MM.
  12. St. Ephraerm the Syrian, Deacon, C.D.
  13. St. Juliana Falconieri, V.
  14. St. Silverius, P.M.
  15. St. Aloysius Gonzaga, C.
  16. St. Paulinus, B.C.
  17. Eve of St. John the Baptist.
  18. Birthday of St. John the Baptist.
  19. St. William, Abbot.
  20. SS. John and Paul, MM.
  21. Of the Octave.
  22. St. Ireneus, B.M. Vigil.
  24. Commemoration of St. Paul, Ap.