- The Most Precious Blood.
- Visitation of the B. V. M.
- St. Leo II, P.C. of the Octave of SS. Peter and Paul.
- Of the Octave.
- St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria, C.
- Octave of SS. Peter and Paul, App.
- SS. Cyril and Methodius, BB., CC.
- St. Elizabeth of Portugal, Q.W.
- Seven Brothers, MM., and SS. Rufina and Secunda, VV., MM.
- St. Pius I., P.M.
- St. John Gualbert, Abbot.
- St. Anacletus, P.M.
- St. Bonaventure, B.C.D.
- St. Henry, E.C.
- Our Lady of Mount Carmel.
- St. Alexius, C.
- St. Camillus of Lellis, C.
- St. Vincent of Paul, C.
- St. Jerome Aemilian, C.
- St. Praxedes, V.M.
- St. Mary Magdalen, Penitent.
- St. Apollinaris, B.M.
- Eve of St. James.
- St. James, Ap.
- St. Anne, Mother of the B. V. M.
- St. Pantaleon, M.
- SS. Nazarius and Celsus, MM., St. Victor I., P.M., St. Innocent I., P.C.
- St. Martha, V.
- SS. Abdon and Sennen, MM.
- St. Ignatius of Loyola, C.