Page:Bonny Gilderoy.pdf/2

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Gilderoy Was a bonny boy,
had roses in his shoon,
His stockings were of silken soy,
wi’ garters hanging down:
It was, I ween, a comely fight,
to see sae trim a boy!
He was my jo, and heart’s delight,
my hansome Gilderoy.

Oh! sic two charming een he had,
a breath as sweet as rose!
He never wore a Highland plaid,
but costly silken cl thes:
He gain’d the luve of ladies gay,
nane e’er to him was coy;
Ah! wae is me! I mourn the day,
for my dear Gilderoy.

My Gilderoy and I were born
baith in (illegible text) together,
We, scant were seven years before
we ’gan to luve each ther: ,
Our daddies and our mammies they

were fill’d wi' meikie joy,