Page:Bonny Gilderoy.pdf/3

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To think upon the bridal day
’twixt me and Gilderoy.

For Gilderoy that lave of mine,
gude faith, I freely bought,
A wedding-sark of holland fine,
wi’ silken flow’rs wrought;
And he gied me a wedding ring,
which I receiv’d with joy;
Nae lad nor lassie e’er could sing
like me and Gilderoy.

Wi’ meikle joy we spent our prime,
till we were baith sixteen,
And aft we past the langsome time
amang the leaves fae green:
Aft on the banks we’d sit us there,
and sweetly kiss and toy;
Wi’ garlands gay he’d deck my hair,
my handsome Gilderoy.

Oh! that he still had been content
wi’ me to lead a life;
But, ah! his manfu’ heart was bent
to stir in fates of strife:
And he in many a vent’rous deed,

his courage bauld wad try;