Page:Bonny Gilderoy.pdf/6

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( 6 )

There dy'd the youth whom I lo'ed best,
my handsome Gilderoy.

Thus having yielded up his breath,
I bare his corpse away;
Wi’ tears that trickled for his death,
I washt his comely clay;
And sicker in a grave sae deep
I laid the dear-l ’ed boy:
And now for ever maun I weep,
my winesome Gilderoy.



Says Plato, Why should man be vain,
since bounteous Heav’n has made him great?
Why look with insolent disdain
on those undeck’d with wealth or state?
Can costly robes, or beds of down,
or all the gems that deck the fair,
Can all the glories of a crrwn
give health, or case the brow of care?