Page:Bonny Gilderoy.pdf/5

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Who never fail’d to pay their cess
to my love Gilderoy.

Waeworth the loun that made the laws,
to hang a man for gear;
To reave of life for ox or ass,
for sheep, or horse, or mare:
Had not their laws been made sae strick
I ne’er had lost my joy;
Wi’ sorrow near had wat my cheek
for my dear Gilderoy.

Giff Gilderoy had done amiss,
he might hae banish’d been;
Ah! what fair cruelty is this,
to hang sic handsome men!
To hang the flow’r o’ Scottish land,
sae sweet and fair a boy;
Nae lady had sae white a hand
as thee, my Gilderoy.

Of Gilderoy sae ’fraid they were,
they bound bim very slrong;
Tull Edinburgh they led him there,
and on a gallows hung;
They hung him high aboon the rest,

he was sae trim a boy;