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tame wild bulls, and buy hogs; for he that does so, shall gain much by them. If he that has been long seek takes physic this day, be is like to recover.

On the eighth day a child born shall be in danger of dying young, but if he outlives his first sickness, he may live long, and arrive at great estate: whatever business a man undertakes on this day shall prosper; but it is especially good to buy cattle and to begin buildings: he that dreams a dream, shall quickly have it come to pass. He that falls sick on this day shall recover, and any thing that is lost shall be found.

On the ninth day, a child that is born shall be very fortunate, enjoying long life, and arriving at great riches; this is also a fortunate day for business, for what is undertaken this day shall come to good issue. She that is pursued shall escape; and he that is oppressed shall soon be relieved.

On the tenth day, a child that is born shall be a great traveller, pass through many kingdoms and nations, and at last die in his old age at home: do nothing on this day but what you would have known, for all secret things shall be brought to light. She that falls in labour on this day, shall be delivered without danger, but he that being sick takes his bed, shall lie in it a long time. Blood letting may be used this day with good success.

On the eleventh day of the moon, the child that is born shall be of good constitution, and much devoted to religion: shall be of a lovely countenance and long lived, and shall have a peculiar mark on his forehead; and if a female, shall be much addicted to wisdom and learning; also on this day it is good to begin a journey, for it shall be prosperous; and also to marry, for the married couple shall live happy all their days, and be blessed with tpany children. It is likewise good for shepherds to change their folds.

The twelfth day of the moon’s age, betokens nothing but sorrow and woe, and the child born on this day shall be given to wrathfolness, and subject to