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many afflictions. He that falls sick on this day, his sickness shall be languishing, and at length shall end in death. If there be occasion to let blood this day, let it be towards the evening, for then it is safe.

On the thirteenth day of the month, the child that is born shall be of short life, and subject to much misery while it lives, by reason of peevish crossness, so that it can never he pleased. To plant vines, or gather grapes, or to eat fruit this day, is good. He who on this day is imprisoned, shall be quickly liberated, and what is lost on this day, shall be quickly found; to wed a wife on this day is good, for she shall be both loving and obedient to her husband.

On the fourteenth day, the child that is born shall be an enemy to his country and shall seek the destruction of his prince, which shall bring him to his deserved end; on this day, if you ask a kindness eitherr of a friend or of an enemy, it shall be granted you; give to a sick man physic, and it shall restore him to his former health.

On the fifteenth day, the child that is born shall quickly die, on this day begin no work, it is unfortunate, yet he that falleth sick on this day may recover, but after long sickness: that which was lost yesterday will be found this day.

The child born on the sixteenth day, shall be of ill manners and very unfortunate, insomuch that tho' he live long, yet his life shall be a burden to him; yet this is a good day for buying, selling and merchantdizing, and also for dealing in great cattle, but it is not good to dream in, for dreams on this day are commonly hurtful, and such as come to pass a long time after. If a man falls sick on this day, and change his habitation, he may recover again.

A child born on the seventeenth day, will be foolish to that degree, that it shall always be a natural, and therefore become a great affliction to its parents. To go on messages this day, is unfortunate; yet to contract matrimony, to compound physical prepara-