Page:Book of knowledge (2).pdf/15

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of vegetables, will effectually destroy worms and insects, and likewise promote the growth of the plant.--Peach trees are particularly improved by the application.


To remove the taste of Turnips from Milk of Butter.

The taste of the turnip is easily taken off milk and butter, by dissolving a little mitre in spring water, which being kept in a bottle, and a small tea cup full put into eight gallons of milk, when warm from the cow, entirely removes any taste or flavour of the turnip.


A cheap Blacking for Shoes.

In three pints of small beer, put two ounces of ivory black, and one pennyworth of brown sugar. As soon as they boil, put a desert spoonful of sweet oil, and then boil slowly till reduced to a quart. Stir it up with a stick every time it is used; and put it on the shoe with a brush when wanted.