Page:Book of knowledge (2).pdf/16

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Ivory black, two ounces; brown sugar, one ounce and a half; sweet oil, half a table spoonful. Mix them well, and then gradually add half a pint of small beer.


Chinese method of mending China.

Take a piece of flint-glass, beat it to a fine powder, and grind it well with the white of an egg, and it joins china without rivetting, so that no art can break it in the same place. You are to observe that the composition is to be ground extremely fine on a painter's stone.


To take Iron Moulds out of Linen.

Hold the Iron-mould on the cover of a tankard of boiling water, and rub on the spot a little juice of sorrel and a little salt, and when the cloth has thoroughly imbibed the juice wash it in lie.