Page:Book of knowledge (2).pdf/17

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Economy in Fuel

Let the coal ashes, which are usually thrown into the dust binn, be preserved in a corner of the coal hole, and add to them from your coal heap, an equal part of the small coal or slack, which is too small to be retained in the grate, and pour a small quantity of water upon the mixture. When you make up your fire, place a few round coals in front, and throw some of this mixture behind; it saves the trouble of shifting your ashes, gives a warm and pleasant fire, and a very small part only will remain unburnt.


To prevent the effects of Excessive Cold.

Persons are in danger of being destroyed by it, when they become very drowsy, or are affected with general numbness or insensibility of the body. As the cold which proves fatal generally affects the feet first, great care should be taken to keep them as warm as possible.

1. By protecting them, when you are exposed to cold, with wool, or woollen sockets, within the shoes or boots, or with large woollen stockings drawn over them; or, when you ride, with hay or straw wrapped round them.