Page:Book of knowledge (2).pdf/19

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destructive element of fire. We daily hear of children that have been burned to death, in consequence of their clothes having caught fire; yet, it is surprising, that the frequency of these afflicting events does not possess persons with an idea of the most effectual methods of extinguishing the fire. In general, an attempt is made to tear off the burning clothes from the sufferer, which should never be done. The clothing, instead of being torn off, ought to be pressed close to the body, and whatever is at hand wrapped over it, so as to exclude the air, when the blaze will go out; for it is the action of the air that keeps it alive, and increases the vehemence. A carpet, a table cloth, a blanket, a cloth cloak, any close wrapper, will instantly extinguish it.


To prevent Infection.

Mix in a plate, a few ounces of pulverized black oxyde of manganese and common salt, which being placed in the house supposed to be infected, sprinkle oil of vitriol upon the mixture, and gas will arise which will render the place perfectly salubrious. The oil of vitriol should be carefully added by a few drops at a time, the face being burned from the mixture.