Page:Book of knowledge (2).pdf/20

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To relieve Fainting and other Fits

The person ought to be immediately carried into the open air, and the temples, should be rubbed with strong vinegar and bra(illegible text) and volatile salts or spirits held to the nose. The patient should then be laid on {{reconstruct|their} back with the head low, and have a little wine or other cordial poured into their mouth. If subject to hysteric fits, ca(illegible text) or assafoetida should be applied to the r(illegible text) or burnt feathers, horn, or leather.


To relieve sudden Bleeding.

Dry lint put up the nostrils, pledgets (illegible text) lint dipped in spirits, or weak solutions of blue vitriol, or from ten to twenty drops of oil of turpentine taken in water generally stop discharges of blood.


To restore suspended Animation.

In cases of substances being stopt between the mouth and the stomach, where this cannot be extracted by the fingers or otherwise, the person should swallow a piece of