Page:Book of knowledge (2).pdf/21

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meat or tow tied to a thread, which should be immediately drawer up again, Emetics are sometimes serviceable, and injections of warm milk and water frequently remove the obstructions. When animation is suspended by noxious vapours, the usual methods in fainting should be employed, and lemonade or vinegar and water given to the patient as soon as he could swallow.

When it proceeds from extreme cold, the party affected should be immersed in cold water, or rubbed with snow till they recover their natural warmth.


For a Cold and Cough.

A large tea-cupful of linseed, two penny-worth of stick-liquorice, and a quarter of a pound of sun raisins, put to two quarts of soft water, and simmered over a slow fire, till reduced one-third or more; add thereto a quarter of a pound of sugar-cane (illegible text) pounded, a table spoonful of white wine vinegar, and lemon-juice. Note--the rum and vinegar should be added only to the quantity which is about to be taken immediately. Drink half a pint at going to bed, or a small quantity at any time when the cough is troublesome.