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dry weather. Clear gravel walks, and form thrift and box edgings. Sow all kinds of hardy flower seeds. Transplant tender annual flowers from the hot-bed.


Sow cabbages, cauliflowers, and savoys, for a late crop, and transplant those formerly sown, when ready. Sow full crops of French and Turkey beans; marrowfat and every other kind of pease. Every week, during the summer months, sow lettuces, &c. for a constant supply of salad. Earth up celery, and thin onions, carrots, turnips, and spinage, where necessary, taking care to leave the strongest plants. Plant cucumbers under hand glasses. Water in dry weather, young fruit trees, and protect the roots from the heat, with short grass laid round the stems. Cut box edgings. Nail up young shoots of wall-trees, and tie espalters with twigs of the golden willow. Remove plants out of the green-house, and place them in a shady sheltered border, observing to water them duly.


Continue to plant cabbages, cauliflower, and savoys, for a late crop. Plant out leeks and brocoli. Transplant celery,