Page:Book of knowledge (2).pdf/6

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endive, and lettuces; and sow sallad seeds every eight or ten days. Sow full crops and turnips, both yellow and white; also fle(illegible text) turnip, white, green, red, and Swedish. Sow beet, red, white, and green, in drilling about an inch deep, and ten or twelve inches distant. Hoe beans and pease; top the former, and stick the latter. A few of the early kind of each may be sown the first or second week for the latest crop. Gather and dry sweet and pot herbs as they come to bloom. Train wall trees and espaliers. Secure young trees against wind, and water them in dry weather. Mow grass walks in the morning, before the dew is off. Clean and roll gravel walks.


Plant more cauliflowers for autumn; and cabbages, savoys, brocoli, and leeks for winter. If any vacant ground, sow turnips, carrots, onion, winter spinage, kidney beans, endive, &c. Towards the end, plant sweet herbs. Transplant celery, more cabbages and cauliflowers, on the ground where the early pease are done. Water, in dry weather, always in the evening. Dung and dig ground for full crops of winter greens and cabbage to be planted next month.