Page:Book of knowledge (2).pdf/7

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If any seeds were omitted to be sown last month, finish now. Sow cabbage and all kinds of greens to stand through the winter for plants in spring: also cabbage and Dutch lettuces on warm borders, for outer use. Earth up celery, and plant some more. Clean asparagus beds. If room, plant more brocoli, cabbage, &c. About the middle sow cauliflower and prickly (illegible text)nage. Gather onions, garlic, and all sweet herbs. Clip thorn hedges, and pare (illegible text)ift edgings.


Plant strawberries and box edgings. Transplant celery, lettuce, endive and all evergreen shrubs. Look over wall-trees and espaliers, and fasten straggling branches. Prepare ground for planting fruit trees. Dig up all vacant borders, and clean and (illegible text)ll gravel walks. Destroy snails, caterpillars, and other vermin. Slip and transplant fibrous-rooted plants and flowers.


In this and the three following months, dung, dig, and trench all vacant ground, to be ready for spring crops, covering in the dung well. Plant out early cabbages to