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Saint Isidore saith: That it is better to pray still in the heart, without any sound of voice outward, than to pray with word alone, without devotion of heart.

The second was He cried. So should every man in his dying cry strongly with the heart, not with the voice. For God taketh more heed of the desire of the heart than of the crying of the voice. The crying of the heart to God is nought else but the great desiring of man to have forgiveness of his sins, and to have everlasting life.

The third was He wept. With His bodily eyes and with tears of the heart, in token that so should every man in His dying weep with tears of his heart, that is to say, verily repenting of all his misdeeds.

The fourth He commendeth His soul to God. So should every man in his end, saying thus in heart and mouth, if he may, and (if not) else in heart: Lord God, into Thine hands I commend my spirit; for truly Thou boughtest me dear.

The fifth was He gave up wilfully His spirit. So should every man in his death; that is to say, he should die wilfully, conforming fully therein his own will to God's will, as he is bound.

Therefore as long as he that is in point of death may speak, and have the use of reason with him, let him say these prayers following:


O Thou High Godhead, and endless Goodness, most merciful and glorious Trinity, that