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art highest Love and Charity; have mercy on me, wretched and sinful man, for to Thee I commend fully my soul.


My Lord God, most benign Father of MERCY, do Thy mercy to me Thy poor creature. Help now Lord my needy and desolate soul in her last need, that hell hounds devour me not. Most sweetest and most lovely Lord, my Lord Jesu Christ, God's own dear Son, for the worship and the virtue of Thy most blessed passion, admit and receive me within the number of Thy chosen people. My Saviour and my Redemptor, I yield all myself fully unto Thy grace and mercy, forsake me not; to Thee Lord I come, put me not away. Lord Jesu Christ, I ask Thy paradise and bliss, not for the worthiness of my deserving that am but dust and ashes and a sinful wretch, but through the virtue and effect of Thine holy passion, by the which Thou vouchest safe, and wouldest buy me, sinful wretch, with Thy precious blood, and bring me into Thy paradise.

And let him say often also this verse: Dirupisti DOMINE VINCULA MEA, TIBI SACRIFICABO HOSTIAM LAUDIS et nomen Domini invocabo. Lord Thou hast broken my bonds, and therefore I shall thank Thee with the sacrifice and the oblation of worship. For this verse, as Cassiodorus saith, is of great virtue that a man's sins be