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her into (the) place of refreshing and of peace, and of rest. Amen.

Ever clean and blessed maiden Mary, singular help and succour in every anguish and necessity, help us sweetly, and show to our brother, thy servant, thy glorious visage now in his last end. And void[1] all his enemies from him, through the virtue of thy dear beloved Son, our Lord Jesu Christ, and of the holy Cross; and deliver him from all manner disease of body and soul, that he may thank and worship God withouten end. Amen.

My most sweet Redemptor, most merciful Jesu, and most benign Lord, for that sorrowful voice that Thou haddest in Thy manhood when Thou shouldest die for us, and were so consumed with sorrows and travails of Thy passion that Thou crydest[2] Thee forsaken of Thy Father; be not far from Thy brother, Your servant, but give him Thine help, of Thy mercy, in the hour of his death; and have mind of the grievous affliction and pain of his soul, the which in his last hour of passing, for failing of his spirits, hath no might to call upon Thee for help: but by the victory of the cross, and by virtue of Thine holy passion and Thine amorous death, think upon her thoughts of peace and not of affliction, but of mercy and comfort; and deliver her fully from all manner

  1. i.e. expel
  2. i.e. proclaimed by loud crying.