Page:Bride's burial, or, The affectionate lovers (2).pdf/6

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May fitly ſerve, when I am dead,
to tie my hands and feet.

And thou my lover true,
my huſband and my friend,
Let me intreat thee here to ſtay
until my life doth end.

Now leave to talk of love,
and humbly on your knees,
Direct your prayers to God,
and mourn no more for me:

In love as we have liv'd,
in love now let us part;
And I in token of my love,
kiſs thee with all my heart.

Oh! ſtaunch this bootleſs tear,
thy weeping is in vain;
I am not loſt, for we in heav'n
ſhall one day meet again.

With that ſhe turn'd aſide,
as one dispos'd to ſleep,
And like a lamb departed life,
while friends did ſorely weep.