Page:Bride's burial, or, The affectionate lovers (2).pdf/7

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Her true love ſeeing this,
did fetch a grievous groan,
As tho' his heart would burſt in two,
and thus he made his moan:

Oh! diſmal unhappy day!
a day of grief and care,
That hath bereav'd me of my love,
whoſe beauty was ſo fair.

Now woe unto the world,
and all therein that dwell;
Oh! that I were in heaven,
for here I live in hell.

And now this lover lives
a diſcontented life,
Whoſe bride was bought unto the grave
a maiden and wife.

A garland freſh and fair
of lillies there was made,
In ſigns of her virginity,
and on her coffin laid.

Six maidens all in white
did bear her to the ground;