Page:Brinkley - Japan - Volume 6.djvu/349

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23. Japanese make desperate assaults on Wnatai and the north fort east of Keekwan Mountain, Port Arthur, but are driven back.
24. Early morning assault on the Keekwan forts repulsed by the Russians with great slaughter. Japanese losses in the six days of the first general assault on Port Arthur exceed 14,000 men. The operation as a whole was a failure, though the Japanese succeeded in holding on to one point of value—Banjusan Fort.
Russian cruisers Askold and Grozsovoi ordered dismantled by the czar.
25. Japanese army begins its general advance on Liao-Yang.
26. Japanese centre takes Kung-Chang, southeast of Liao-Yang, and the left wing attacks Anshanshan.
Japanese drive Russians out of positions on Pigeon Bay, west of Port Arthur.
28. Japanese capture parade ground northwest of Port Arthur.
Kuroki advances right wing of the Japanese army and gets in touch with centre and left before Liao-Yang.
29- 30.Japanese bombard Russian positions at Liao-Yang and make infantry attacks, but make no material impression on the defence.
31. Second and Third Japanese Armies resume their attack and make progress in the direction of Hsin-li-tun and Shou-Shan.
1. Russians driven out of their works at these points, and Russian right and centre fall back towards river line. First Army carries Mankayama Hill.
2-3. Oku's and Nodzu's armies continue their attacks.
3. Kuropatkin orders a general retreat.
Japanese torpedo boat destroyer Hayatori sunk by mine off Port Arthur.
Japanese Occupy Liao-Yang
4. Russian rearguard, after delaying Japanese for two days, finally evacuates Liao-Yang.
The Japanese enter Liao-Yang at 3 a.m. Russia loses 14,000 and Japan 17,500 men in this movement.
