in search of improvement. During a residence of
ten years at Rome he distinguished himself by an
esemphiry appHcation to his studies, and painted
eotiie pictures for the churches, which gained him
considerable reputation. In 1678 he was invited
to the court of Vienna by the Emperor Leopold,
who appointed hiiii his painter. The desire to visit
England induced him to request leave of absence and
he came to lliis country in the reign of King William.
His portrait, painted by himself, was in the collection at Strawberry Hill. On his way biick to Vienna
he passed some time at Diisseldorf, where he painted
some pictures for the Elector Palatine, who pre-
sented him with a gold medal and chain. He died
at Vieima in 1726. There is an example of his
work in the Munich Piuakothek.
SCHOOli, Nicolas van, born at Antwerp in 1666, painted fanciful groups, in the flower-pieces by Kysbraeck and others. He also made designs for tapestry at Antwerp and Brussels. He died at Antwerp in 1726. In the Museum at (ihent there is an equestrian portrait by him of Cliarles II. of Sjiain, painted when that prince was about eighteen.
SCUOOHE, J. v., a Flemish engraver, who flourished about the year 1650. Among other .prints he engraved a plate of St. Vincent, after Anthonie Sallaert.
SCHOOTEN, Fbans van, was an amateur painter of fruit and flowers, who practised at Leyden in the 17th century, and was a professor at the University. It is supposed that he was related to Joris van Schooten. In some of his pictures, figures were inserted bv Frederic Moucheron.
SCH(.)OTEN, JoRis van. was born at Leyden about 1587. He was a pupil of Coenrad van der Maes of Leyden, and was already a portrait pamter (,f repute at the age of twenty. In 1610 he com- bined with other artists to sign a petition to the local authorities of Leyden, requesting the necesfiary privileges for the formation of a Guild of St. Luke. The large portrait pieces of many figures which he usually painted are characterized by good colour and a knowledge of chiaroscuro, and have much individuality, though they are poor in com- position. Several of them were portrait groups of the Civil Guard or Shooting Guild of Leyden in the years 1626, 1628, and 1650, and are now pre- served in the Museum of that city, where are also two curious allegorical pictures. In the Rijks Museum at Amsterdam there is an ' Adoration of the Kings ' by him. Jan Lievens and Abraham van den Tempel were for a time his pupils. Suyderhoef engraved one of his portraits, and J. G. Van Vliet a ' Christ and the Woman of Samaria ' ; it is inscribed J. van Schooten, 1636. Schooten died in 1658. rr,
SCHOPF, Joseph, painter, born at Telfs in the Oberinuthal in 1745, was instructed by Martin Knoller. and then went in 1776 to Rome, where he studied Raphael and Correggio, and came under the influence of Mengs. On his return he painted frescoes for many churches in the neighbourhood of Innspruok. He died in 1822.
SCHOPFER, Hans, painter, a native of Munich, was born about the middle of the 16th century. His works have been given to Hans Schaufelin and A. Diirer. He painted the following portraits : the Countess Euphrosyne of Oettingen and Benigna von Lamberg at Scbleissbeim. Caspar von Pienyenau .n the Moritz Chapel at Nuremberg ; and several altar-pieces, among which was one for the Pilgrims' Church at Ramersdorf, near Munich. He died in 1610. He signed his works with his initials and a roughly-drawn spoon.
SCHOPIN, Henry FB^ofiBic, painter, was bom at Lubeck, of French parents, in 1804. He studied in Paris under Gros, and gained the 'prix de Rome' in 1830. He was several times preraiated, and was a constant exhibitor at the Salon from 1830 onwards. He died in 1880. The following are examples of hie work :
Douai. Museum, Tjast Moments of the Cenci. Metz. „ Battle of Hohenlinden. Toulouse. „ Jacob and Labau. Versailles. „ Portrait of Cambac^res. „ ,, Portrait of Marshal Bidal. „ „ The Taking of Antioch in 1098. And a series of pictures illus- trating the legend of St. S»- tnruimis for the chapel of the saint at Foutainebleau.
SCHOPPE, Jdlids, painter, born at Berliu in 1797. He received his art education in Rome, where he made a special study of the works of Raphael, Correggio, and Titian. In 1825 he painted for his reception picture at the Berlin Academy a 'Death of Frederick William III.,' which attracted some attention. He decorated Prince Charles' country house at Glienicke, near Potsdam, with mythological paintings, and was also much em- ployed as a portrait painter. His oil pictures in miniature are generally more pleasing than his larger works. Among his most successful portraits are those of the Duchess of Orleans and of the Count and Countess von Amim.
SCHOKN, Karl, born at Dusseldorf in 1800, studied at Munich under Cornelius, from 1824 to 1827 in Paris under Gros and Ingres, and from 1832 onwards worked in Wach's atelier at Berlin. He soon produced a number of pictures, among which were, 'Mary Stuart and Rizzio,' 'Charles V. at St. Yuste,' ' Cromwell before the Battle of Dunbar." From Berlin he went to Munich, where he pro- duced several works of a mythical and allegorical nature. He visited Italy from time to time on short journeys, and so supplied himself with ma- terial for fresh pictures. He painted in the Arcades of the Munich Hof-garten. In 1847 he was elected professor of the Munich Academy, which post he held till his death, which took place at Munich in 1850. Works :
BerUn. yational Gallery. Card-players. j^ „ Pope Paul III. before Luther's Portrait. Munich. N. Piuakothek. The Deluge; unfinished, owing to the artist's death.
SCHORPP, Michel, a German painter of the 15th century, known only by a print in the ' Bibliotheque Nationale ' of Paris. It is a Madonna in the Byzantine manner, and bears the following inscription: Michel Shorpp, maeler m Vim, 1496.
SCHORQUKNS, Jan, a Dutch engraver, who resided at Madrid about the year 1620. He was an excellent engraver of title-pages, of which he executed many for Spanish books from 1618 to 1630. Some are signed J. van Schorquens, fecit, in Madrid. His best plate is a View of Lisbon in the official report of the coronation of Phillip III.
SCHOTANUS, PiETER, a Dutch painter of the 17th century, who probably practised as an ama- teur at Leeuwarden. He painted village fetes, battles, and kindred subjects.
SCHOTEL, Christina, the daughter of Johnim Chrietianus Schotel, was born at Dordrecht in 1818.