She was taught by her father and by her brotiier
Petrus. and painted flowers, fruit, and still-life.
She died at Aardenburg in 1854.
SCHOTEL, JoiiANN Christianus, a distinguished marine painter, was born at Dort in 1787. He was a scholar of A. lleulemans, and subsequently of Martin Schouman. At the conclusion of his pupilage he devoted himself to the study of nature, for which purpose ho would, like Backhuysen, go to sea in an open boat. From 1814 to 1817 he worked in concert with Martin Schouman, on two pictures representing the retreat of the French from Dort, and the bombardment of Algiers. Schotel received honours from his own sovereign and other crowned heads, and was a member of several academies and societies of arts. His pic- tures were at one time eagerly sought after. He died at Dort the 21st of December, 1838.
SCHOTEL, Petrus Johann, bom at Dort in 1808, a son and pupil of Joliann Christianus Schotel, in whose footsteps he followed. His best picture is 'The Anchorage near Tesel in stormy weather.' He died at Dresden in 1865.
SCHOTT, August, bom at Giessen in 1811, studied first under Diicor^e, and afterwards at the Stadel Institute, in Frankfort, and at the M'mich Academy. He made several pencil drawings, and painted small historical pictures, but aftem'ards became a follower of Overbeck and Steinle, several of whose pictures he reproduced in lithography. He died in 184.3.
SCHOUMAN, Aart, a Dutch painter and en- graver, bom at Dort in 1710, was a painter of some merit, particular!}' of birds, which he painted i:; the manner of Hondekoeter and Weeninx. He also painted landscapes with animals, portraits, small historical pictures, and subjects from the poets, especially from Ovid's 'Metamorphoses. ' He was a good draughtsman and colourist, and at one time engraved on crystal. His rather poor mezzo- tints are after Gerard Dou, Schalcken, Paul Potter, Frans Hals, &c. He resided constantly at the Hague, where he died in 1792.
SCHOUMAN, Martincs, marine painter, bom at Dort in 1770, first studied under Versteeg, and then under his uncle, Aart Schouman. He excelled in the representation of shi[is, and of still and troubled waters. His chief pictures are, 'The Bombard- ment of Algiers,' ' The Departure of the French from Dort,' painted in conjunction with Schotel. He died in 1853. His son Isaac, born at Dordrecht in 1801, was liis pupil, and painted genre pictures and marine subjects.
SCHOYEX, C., a Norwegian landscape painter, who studied under Eckersburg and Yude, and practised in Germany. He died while still young in 1870.
SCHKAMJI, JoHANN Heinrioh, born at Teschen, in Austrian Silesia, made pencil-portraits of Thor- waldsen, Mendelssohn, Andersen, Metternich, Cor- nelius, Grimm, and others. He died at Vienna in 1865.
SCHRAMM, JoHANK Michael, born at Sulzbach, in Bavaria, in 1772, was first a gold worker, and then went to Munich in 1793, where he practised miniature painting and engraving. In 1801 he went to the Academy at Vienna, and studied for three yeats, after which he returned and settled at Munich, where he died in 1835.
SCHRAUDOLPH, Claudius von, German painter; bom February 4, 1843, at Munich ; became a pupil of his father, and subsequently worked under Anschiitz and Hiltensperger at the Munich Academy. After travel in Italy and France he settled at Stuttgart, where he became Director of the Art School. Painted frescoes at the Niiremberg Exhibition of 1884, and his canvases, ' Faust and Wagner' and 'A Venetian Concert,' are well kno^-n. He was the recipient of many Orders of distinction. He died at Stuttgart in 1891.
SCHRAUDOLPH, Johann von, born at Obertsdorf, in Algau, in 1808, received his first instruction at the Munich Academy, principally under Cornelius and Schlotthauer. He helped the latter with the frescoes of the Glyptothek, and then with his scenes from the history of Moses in the church of All Saints. In 1844 he went to Rome, and on his retum was commissioned to decorate the cathedral at Spires. He died at Munich in 1879. Of his pictures we may name :
Munich. Pinakotkeh St. Agnes with the Lamb. „ „ The Virgin and Child. „ ,, Euth and Naomi. „ „ The Ascension of Christ. „ ,, The Miraculous Draught of Fishes. „ „ Adoration of the Kings. „ „ Worship of the Virgin. „ „ Clirist healing the Sick. , „ Christ nailed to the Cross.
SCHREIBER, Moeitz, was working at Leipoio from 1539 to 1556, in collaboration with one Heinrich Schi.'idt, a painter whose name occurs between 1501 and 1541, in the town archives. Schreiber appears to have been the better artist of the p.-iir.
SCHREUEL, .Iohann Christian Albrecht, draughtsman and painter, bom at Maestriclit in 1773, was an oflScer in the Dutch service, but gave up his profession for the practice of art. He studied at Berlin, and afterwards at Dresden, with Grassi, under whose guidance he became a good miniaturist, and painted portraits of many dis- tinguished persons. He also occupied himself much in making copies from the pictures in the Dresden Gallery.
SCHREYER, Adolf, German painter, born May 9, 1828, at Frankfort-on-the-Maine ; became a pupil of the Staedel Institute at Frankfort, and also studied at the Munich Academy ; went through the Crimean campaign as war artist, and settled finally in Paris in 1862. When the Franco- Gennan war broke out in 1870 he returned to Cronberg. He obtained distinction as a painter of battle-pieces and horses. Examples of hi.s work are in the Galleries of Berlin, Hamburg, Suhwerin, and Washington. He obtained medals in Paris in 1864, 1865, and 1867. He died at Cronberg, July 29. 1899.
SCHRIECK, Otto Marcellis van. called Snuf-FELAER, a Dutch painter, born at Amsterdam in 1613. It is not known by whom he was instructed, but he acquired considerable celebrity by his excel- lence in a very singular branch of art. He painted reptiles, insects, and curious plants, which he de- signed with surprising fidelity, and finished with extraordinary care. He resided some time in Paris, and afterwards visited Florence, where his talents were distinguished by the Grand Duke, Naples, and Rome, where he passed several years. He painted entirely from nature, to which end he is said to have kept a kind of museum of serpents, vipers, rare insects, and other curiosities. His pictures
are found in the choicest collections in Holland.