John George Goedelman, Jurisconsult.
Joachim Huber, Anlic Counsellor.
Jacob Chimarrhjeus, Grand Almouer.
Cardinal de Dietricbsteiu, Bishop of Olniiitz. 1604.
John IMatthew Wareufels, Aulic Counsellor. 1&14.
Adam, Baruu de Trautraansdorf .
Siegfried de Kolouitsch.
Ferdinand de Kolonitscb.
Torquato Tasso, Poetctrum Princep^. 1617.
Octavius Strada, Antiquary.
Peter Brueghel, painter, of Brussels. 1606.
Martin de Vos, jiainter, of Antwerp.
Sigismond Bathori, Prince of Transylvania.
A set of twelve plates, representing Angels with the
Instruments of the Passion.
A set of fifty-two Views near Eome, entitled ' Vestigi
delle Antichita di Roma.'
The Burning of Troy, an etching ; ^g. Sadeler, fecit,
aqua forii.
Charity, represented by a female figure with three
Narcissus admiring himself in a Fountain.
Pan and Syrinx.
St. Sebastian dying, with an Angel drawing out the
arrows from his side.
St. Dominick receiving the Institution of his Order
from St. Peter and St. Paul.
The scourging of Christ.
The Crucih-xion.
The Great Saloon at Prague ; in two sheets.
The Emperor Rudolph II. on horseback, with a Battle in the background; after Ad. dc fries. The Virgin and Child ; aftei- Raphael. The Angel appearing to the Shepherds ; afiir liassane. The Murder of the Innocents ; a Tintoretto. The Last Supper ; after the same. St. Peter called to the Anostleship ; after F. Baroccio. The Entombment of Christ ; after the same. The Scourging of Christ; after the Cavaliere d'Arpino. The Martyrdom of St. Sebastian ; after Palma Giovine. The Rich Man and Lazarus ; after the same. Angelica and Medora ; after Carlo Cai/liari. Hercules and Ompbale ; after B. Spranger. The Marys at the Tomb of Christ ; after the same. The Annunciation ; after Peter de Witte {Candida). The Virgin and Infant Jesus ; copied from Albert tidrer. Christ bearing his Cross ; the same. Judith with the Head of Holofernes ; after Johann van Aachen. The Nativity ; after the same. The Virgin and Infant Christ, with St. John ; after the same. Several sets of Landscapes ; after Brueyhel, Paul Brill, Roelant Savery, P. Steevens, &c.
SADELER, Jan, engraver, was born at Brus.sels in 1550. The profession of his father was to engrave ornaments on steel and iron, to be inlaid with gold or silver, and Jan Sadeler was brought up to the same business. At a very early age, however, he applied himself to the study of the human figure, which he drew correctly, though with the stiffness and formality of the time. He was nearly twenty years of age before he commenced engraving on copper, when he executed some plates from the designs of Crispin Van den Broeck, which were so favourably received, that he was encouraged to devote his attention entirely to engraving. He travelled throughout Germany to Italy, where he divested himself, in a great degree, of the dry and hard maimer which is discernible in his earlier works. His plates are executed with the graver only, in a neat, clear style. His drawing is generally correct, and there is fine expression in his heads. Jan Sadeler died at Venice in 1600. His prints are very numerous ; the following list is confined to the best :
PORTRAITS. Clement VIII., Pont. Max. Marie de' Medici. Charles, Hereditary Prince of Sweden. Otho Henry. Count Schwarzenberg. Sigismund Feyerabeud, the famous printer. 1587. George Hoefnagel, painter of Antwerp. Martin Luther ; in an arabesque border.
Eight plates of the Creation of the TP'orld ; after Crispin Van den Brotck. Six of the History of Adam and Eve ; after Jfickiel van Coxe. Sixteen subjects from the Book of Genesis ; after Jll. de Vos. The Life of Christ ; after the same. Seven plates of our Saviour's Passion ; after Christopher Schwarz. A set of prints called ' The Hermits ' ; engraved in conjunction with his brothets ; after the same. The Twelve Months of the Year ; after P. Steevens. The Four Seasons ; after Hans Bol. The Four Times of the Day ; after Tiieodore Bernard.
Dives and Lazarus ; after Bassano. (One of the three ' Sadeler's Kitchens. ') Christ with Martha and Mary ; after the same. (Ditto. ) The Angel appearing to the Sliepherds ; after the same. The Nativity ; after Polidoro da Caravagcfio. The Virgin, with the Infant sleeping, and an Angel ; after An. Carracci. St. Jerome praying; after Gillis Mostaert. Mary Magdalene in meditation ; after the same. St. Koch, with two Pilgrims ; after the same. Jesus calling to Him the little Children ; after Jodocus de Winijhe. The Prodigal Son ; after the same. The Annunciation ; after Peter de TVitte (Candida). Clirist at table with the Disciples at Emmaiis ; after the same. The three Marys at the Sepulchre ; after- the same. The Last Supper; after the ^ami. The Martyrdom of St. Ursula; after the same. The Nativity ; after J, van Aachen. The Holy Family, with Mary Magdalene ; after the same. The Crucifixion ; after the same. The Last Judgment ; after the same. Mary Magdalene penitent ; after Federiyo Zustris. Christ appearing to Magdalene ; after the same. The Approach of the Deluge ; after Theodore Bernard. The Coming of the Last Day ; after the same. The Trinity: after Antonio Maria Viani. Several Landscapes ; after Paul Brill, and others.
SADELER, Marcus, is supposed to have been the son of Jan Sadeler, and to have been born at Munich between 1589 and 1595 ; but great uncertainty hangs about his paternity, and it is not clearly known whether he was an engraver as well as o publisher of prints. He resided many years at Venice, whither, it is said, he was taken by Jan Sadeler, and it is certain that many of the prints by Jan, Raphael, and Gillis were published by him; but only the second states have his address. Neither Basan, Lipowsky, nor Fiissli mention any of his works; while the 'Passion series,' after Diirer, which Heller ascribes to Marcus, are without signatures or dates (the latter would range from 1607 to 1013), although the second states have Marcus Sadeler's address. They are all reversed from the plates by Diirer.
SADELER, Philipp, engraver, a native of Munich, the son of Gillis Sadeler, flourished about 1626. He engraved portraits, landscapes, and pictures of saints.
SADELER, Raphael, the younger brother of Jan Sadeler, was born at Brussels in 1555, and brought up to the same profession. Jan and Raphael