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Page:Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers, volume 5.djvu/37

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travelled together through Germany, where Ra- phael engraved a variety of phites, after Johann von Aachen, Matthias Kager, Matthias Griinewald, and other masters. They afterwards settled at Venice. Following the example of his brotlier, Raphael Sadeler worked entirely with the graver, which he handled with boldness and precision. His drawing of the figure is correct. His printf are nearly as numerous as those of his brother. Some are very fine, particularly those after Van Aachen, and the portraits. Raphael Sadeler died at Venice in 1616. The following are his principal plates :


Paul V. ; Pont. Jfax. S. Carlo Borromeo. Ernest, Archbishop of Cologne. Leopold of Austria, Bisliop of Salzburg aud Passau. Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria. Charles Emanuel, Duke of Savoy, ou horseback. John Dietmar, Abbot of Fnrsteuberg. HypoUtus Guarinonius, M. D.


A set of four plates from the Life of the Virgin ; from his oirn dcsiyns. Twenty-eight plates from the Life and Passion of Christ ; the same. Mary Magdalene at the Sepulchre, with St. Peter and St. John ; after J. de Winghe. Lot aud his Daughters ; after the same. The Holy Family, with !5t. Elizabeth aud St. John ; after Jalinun ion Aachen. The Entombment of Christ ; after the same. The dead Christ in the Sepulchre, with Angels ; after the same. Mary Magdalene penitent ; after ike same. The .rudgment of Paris ; after the same [dated 15791. The Virgui aud Child ; after Pieter de If'itte. 1593. The Immaculate Conception ; after the same. The Presentation in the Temple ; after the same. 1591. The Hesurrection of Lazarus ; after Rottenhamer. The Marriage of St. Catherine ; after Uendrik Goltzius. A Pieta ; after J. Siradanus. Death seizing a Lady at a Feast ; after the same. The Crucifixion ; after Palma. The Virgin aud Child; after An. Carracci. The Holy Family, with St. John ; after Raplmel. The Annunciation ; aft-.'r Fede^-igo Zuccaro. The Adoration of the Slagi ; after Bassano. 1598. Christ at Emmaiis ; after the same ; one of the three Sadtler's Kitchens. The Four Seasons ; after J. Stradanus. A set of si.^ Landscapes ; after P. Steevens. Two Landscapes with figures ; after Matt. Brill. The history of the Prodigal Sou ; in four scenes after Paul Brill. A set of prints for Kader's Bavaria Saneta et Pia, engraved with the help of his son (1624-8). Several Allegorical subjects ; after Martin de J 'os. The great Battle of Prague, in eight sheets ; cousidered his masterpiece. Venus aud Adonis ; after Titian.

SADELER, Raphael, the younger, sou and pupil of the last-named, worked at Venice subsequent to the year 1596. He afterwards accompanied his father to Munich, and assisted in the plates to Rader's 'Bavaria Saneta et Pia,' and also produced several plates on his own account, among them the following:

The Auuunciatiou ; after C. Schtcar:. The Virgin and St. Anne caressing the Infant Jesus ; after the same. The Holy Family, with his name and the date 1613. Forest Scenery ; after J. Brueghel.

SADELER, Tobias, supposed to be the son of Gillis, was also an engraver, but his works are very little known. He worked at Vienna about the year 1675.

SADLER, Thomas, jiortrait aud miniature painter, was the son of a Master in Chancery. He practised in the reigns of Charles IL, James II., William III. His best works are a portrait of Bunyan, which has been engraved in mezzotint, and a miniature of the Duke of Monmouth.

SADLER, William, a portrait painter, the son of a musician, was born in England, but studied and practised at Dublin. He was an artist of some ability, and died at Dublin at the end of the 18th century.

SAENKEDAM, Joannes, a Dutch designer and engraver, born at Zaandam in North Holland in 1565, was by trade a basket-maker, and was in- structed in drawing and the use of the graver by Hendrik Goltzius and Jakob de Gheyn. Saeuredam died at Assendelft in 1607. He worked entirely with the graver, and has left a great number of plates. The best, perhaps, are the following : Susanna aud the Elders ; after a design by himself. Hercuies between Minerva aud Venus ; ditto. Lycurgns giving Laws to the Lacedemonians ; ditto. The Wise and the Foolish Virgins, in five plates. 1606, ditto. An Allegory relative to the government of the Low Countries by the lufauta Isabella. 1602 ; ditto. The Prosperity of the Uuited ProWnces under the House of Orange ; an allegory. 1600 ; ditto. The stranded Whale, on the coast of Holland. 1602; ditto. Carel vau Mander ; after Goltzius. V. H. Hornanus, Poet and Physician; alter Van Mander. .Tohn Cesaree, Philosopher, .'.-an de la Chambre, Writing-master. Adam and Eve iu ParadiNe ; after H. Goltzius. Lot and his Daughters ; after the same. Judith with the Head of Holofernes ; after the same. Susanna and the Elders ; after the same. Ceres, Venus, and Bacchus ; after tiie same. The Seven Planets, the Four Seasons, the Five Senses, the Four Ages, the Three Marriages at different times of life ; all after the same. The Bath of Diana ; after the same. A set of six plates from the History of Adam aud Eve ; after Ab. Bloemaert. Four plates from the Histories of Elijah aud Elisha; after the same. Elijah and the Widow of Sarepta ; after the same. 1604. Annunciation to the .Shepherds ; after the same. 1599. The Prodigal Son ; after the same. 1618. Vertumuus and Pomona ; after the same. 1605. Mars and Venus ; after P. Isaacx. Judith with the Head of Holoferues ; after L. van Leyden. David with the Head of Goliah ; after the same. The Nativity ; after C. ean .Uaiuler. Paul aud Baru.abas ; after the same. Adam aud Eve in Paradise ; after Corn, van Haarlem. St. John preaching in the Wilderness ; after the same. Angelica and Medora ; after the .^ame. Vertumuus aud Pomona ; after the same. The Grot of Pluto ; inscribed Lu.v venit in mundum, kc. ; after the same. The Death of Epamiuondas ; after P. da Caravaggia. Camillas breaking the Treaty of Peace between the Romans aud the Gauls ; after the same. The History of Xiobe aud he"r Children ; in eight sheets, forming a frieze ; after the same. 1594. The Entombment of (Christ ; after M.A. da Caravaggia. Christ in the House of Levi ; after P. Veronese.

SAENREDAM, Pieter, son of Joannes Saenredam, was born at Assendelft in 1597. He was a scholar of Franz Pieterzen de Grebber, but adopted a different style from that of his master. He painted architecture, particularly the interiors of churches, in a large and luminous manner. His pictures were highly esteemed in his own time, and are now extremely rare. A view of the Townhall of the city of Haarlem, painted by him, was