eiiliveued with a groat number of figures, repre-
senting the solemn entry of Prince Maurice. Few
particulars of him are recorded. He was buried
at Haarlem on the 16th August, 1665. Works :
Amsterdam. Jlluseun. Ch. of St. Bavon. Haarlem, 1636. „ „ Another Picture of the i^ame subject. ,, „ Two Views of the Maria-kerk, in Utrecht. » „ View in the Church of A.sseu-delft ; inscribed, Pieter Saen- redain, deie gescliildert int jner 1649 den 2 October. 'T)ie figures are by Ad. v. Ostade Berlin. Museum. Church Interior. Haarlem. Museum. Interior of St. Anne's Church, Haarlem. Kotterdam. Museum. Maria-kerk, Utrecht.
SAEY, , a Flemish painter, native of Antwerp, practising in the 17th century. He painted chiefly architectural subjects, and worked jointly with Jerome Janssen, who frequently added figures to his backgrounds for hiiu. A certain Jacques Ferdinand Sae)' is mentioned in the registers as a pupil of Van Elirenberg in 1672, and was probably rehited to the above, and not identical with him, as there appears to be evidence that the first-men- tioned Saey was at work on his own account as early as 1660.
SAFFT, J. C. G., a Dutch painter and engraver. of little importance, born at Amsterdam, 1778. He was a pupil of P. Barbiers, and painted land- scape ar.d interiors.
SAFTLEVEN, Cornelius, (Zachtleven, S..4.rTLEEEN,) painter and engraver, was born at Gorinchem in 1607 ; son of Herman and Lyntgen Moelants. Though he did not equal his brother Herman in talent, he showed considerable skill in genre picturi^s, in the style of Teniers and Brouwer. Several of his etchings were publisiied. His (lortrait was painted by Vandyke, and engraved by Vosterman. He died in l'8'.i. In the Dresden Gallery are four esaniples of his work, and in the Amstf-rdam Museum, three. W. H. J. W,
SAFTLEVEN, Herman, painter and engraver, born at Hotterdam in 1609. He was the younger brother of Cornelius Saftleven, and a pupil of Jan van Goyen. His views of the Rhine and Maan art delicately painted from nature, and crowded with figures. He died at Utrecht, Jan. 5, 16'S5. His art, though conventional, is delightful in its way, and his pictures are now in great request.
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Amsterdam. Museum. Copenhagen. Gallei'i/. Dresden. Haarlem. Loudon. Munich. Gallery. Museum. Duboich Gall. Pinakothek. Kiver View. View on the Rhine. Village on a River. Hilly Landscape. Itiver Scene. Vharf on the Rhine. Vintage ou the Ehine. Inn among iiocks. Vista through a Timber Bridge. View of Utrecht. Meadow-l.ind at Harvest-time. A series of eighteen pictures, including Views of Utrecht. Eugers, Ehrenbreitsteiu, and Cologne. Jan Van Oldenbarnevelt and his Judges, the latter under the .shapes of animals. View ou the Khine. {A master-2fiece.) A View of the Ehine. Two Rhenish laud.^cipes. One Dutch l.'mdscai>e. Rotterdam. Museum. View on the Rhine. Stockholm. Gallery. Large Khine Landscape. »
SAFVENBOM, Johann, a Swedish painter, bom in 1721. He studied for a time in France, under Joseph Vernet. In the Stockholm Gallery there is a 'Shipwrecli near a Fortress' by him. He died iu 1784.
SAGLIO, C.oiiLLE, French painter; born at Strasburg in 1804 ; became a pupil of Jolivard and of C. Roqueplan : achieved success with various landscapes, his subjects being chosen from the scenery of the Rhine and the Rhone. He obtained a second-class medal at the Salon in 1846. He died in October 1889.
SAGRESTANI, Giovanni Camillo, a Florentine painter and poet, born in 1660, studied painting in the school of Giusti, and also attended that of Carlo Cignani, wiiose manner he copied rather than emulated. He died in 1V31.
SAGSTATTER, Gottfried Heinrich, German painter ; born at iluuich in 1811, where he studied at the Academy, being a pupil and proUg^ of Cornelius. After devoting his talent to allegorical and historical subjects he mado a greater success by a vivid portrayal of Bavarian peasant life, such as 'Bauernwirtstube,' 'Dorfpolitiker,' 'Alter I Fiedler,' and others. He died at Munich, December 25, 1883.
SAGSTATTER, Hermann, German painter; born at Munich in 1808 ; became a pupii of the Munich Academy ; at first painted genre pictures and scenes of peasant life, but subsequently produced works of a religious character and altarpieces for churches in Bavaria and Suabia. He designed the four glass windows showing the Prophets in the Cathedral at Cologne ; and there are frescoes bv him in the Landsberg Town Hall. He died in 1887.
SAHLER, Louis, (Saillak,) an engraver, was oorn in France in 1748. He engraved some plates fnr the Boydells, among them the following : Portrait of Helena Forman ; after Buhcns. The Prince of Orange ; after Honthorst. The Eirth of Bacchu.s ; after Hevnolds. The Toper ; after G. Don. George, Prince of Wales ; after John Smart. The Virgin and Child ; after Domenichino.
SAHLER, Otto Christian, an obscure engraver, whose name is affixed to a portrait of one Adrian Stalbent, a painter. He was a German goldsmith, and lived in the 18th century. His plates were imitations of drawings.
SAILLANT, LE Pere, an Augustine monk of the 16th century, much esteemed for the excellence of his miniatures. He died at .vignon.
SAILMAKER, Isaac, an English painter of marine subjects, born in England in 163i<, was a pupil of George Geldorp, and was appointed by Cromwell to paint a view of the fleet before Mar- dyke. Walpole says that " a print of the confederate fleet, under Sir George Rooke, engaging the French commanded by the Count de Toulouse, was engraved in 1714, from a design of Sailmaker." He lived to the age of 88, dying in 1721.
SAINT ANDlifi, Simon Renard de, a portrait painter, born in Paris in 1614, was a pupil of Beaubrun, and settled at Rome. He painted two very good portraits of Anne of Austria. He died in Paris in 1677. He lias left several etchings.
SAIXT-AUBERT, Antoine Fran(;ois, painter, was born at Cambrai in 1715. He was educated in