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SALM, B. Nicolas, German painter and black- and-white artist; born at Cologne in 1810, where he first studied ; several of his drawings were reproduced ; decorated the Giirzenich in 1835 with carnival scenes, and as a poitr.iit-painter made some success. He died at Aachen, where he tn.utcht drawing, in 1883.

SAL.MEG6IA, Enea, (Salmasio,) called II Talpino, painter, was born at Bergamo about the vear 1556, lie reuuivea iii.s iirst leaching at Cre- "raona, under the Canipi, but afterwards became a pcholar of Procaocini, at Milan. He also passed fourteen years at Rome, where he applied himself to the .study of Raphael. His pictures, of which there are many in his native town, have much sim- plicity and refinement. He died at Bergamo in 1626. Francesco and Ci.ara, the son and daughter of Enea Salraeggia, imitated their father's manner.

SAL51ER0N, Cristobal Garcia, a Spanish painter, born at Cuenca in 1G03. He was a pupil of Pedro On-ente, and proved a reputable history and animal painter. One of his best works is a 'Kativity,' in the church of St. Francis, at Cuenca. He was employed by Philip IV. to paint a bull- fight, held in honour of the birth-day of Charles II. of Spain. He died at Madrid in 1666.

S.LMERON, Francisco, brother of Cristobal Salmeron, was born at Cuenca in 1608, and was also a pupil of Pedro Orrente. His desire was to distinguish himself as acolourist, for which purpose, it is said, he chemically analyzed works by Titian, P. Veronese, Tintoretto, and the Bassani. He neg- lected the other essentials of art, and so, beside their good colour, his pictures exhibit very great defects. The church of S. Francisco at Cuenca has a ' Burial of Christ ' by him. He died at .Madrid in 163-2.

SALMIER JossE, a Flemish painter, probably a native of Mechlin, practising about 1620. He was related to the painter David fierregouts, to whom he gave his first lessons in art.

SALMINCIO, Andrea, engraver, was a native of Boiogna, where he was a bookseller. He learnt engraving from Giovanni Luigi Valesio, and pro- duced several engra^^ngs, both on wood and on copper, which he marked with a monogram similar to that of Ant. Sallaert.

SALMON, Adrien Alphonse, painter, bom in Paris ,in 1802, was a pupil of Lecourt, and entered the Ecole des Beaux Arts in 1819. He was an occasional exhibitor at the .Salon, and at the Luxembourg, but was better known as a restorer of pictures. He last apjieared at the Salon in 1848.

SALMON, Jacqdes Pierre Francois, painter, born at Orleans on the 16th August 1781, was a pupil of Bardin and of Regnault. He was for some time attached to the " Ecole Centrale" of the department of Loiret, and afterwards worked for forty-five years as a professor at the College uf Orleans. Several views by him of scenery in the neighbourhood of Orleans have been engraved and lithographed. He died at Orleans on the 10th March, 1855. The Musee of that city possesses examples of his work.

SALMON, Louis Adolphe, French painter and engravi-r ; born in Paris in 1806, where he studied at the Beaux Arts under Henrique!, Dupont, and Ingres ; he won the Grand Prix de Rome with his 'Academie d"apr6s Nature.' In Italy he made several copies in water-colour of the Old Masters, and painted portraits of Pio Nono, the Princess Borghese, Duca di Montcbello, and others, and his i-ngravin.;s were from originals by Angeli, Ing;res, Rosso, Santi, Ary Scheffer, and Leonardo daViici. He obt.ainod a second-class ni'-dal in 1853, and a rappel in 1857, 1859, and 1863, and the L> gion of Hnnourin 1867. He died in Paris in September 1895.

SALMSON, Hugo Frederik, was bom at Stock- holm in 1843. He came to Paris and studied umier Charles Comte, and also settled there. Exhibiting regularly, at first historical subjects, then rustic genre and landscape, and latterly portraits, often in pastel, he has had many manners. He was created Knight of the Legion of Honour in 1879, and OfEcer in 1889. His 'A la Barrifere de Dalby, a Skane (Suede) ' hangs in the Luxembourg, for which also his ' Une Arrestation dans un Village de Picardie ' was acijuired. Other pictures by him are ' Chez Grandmfere ' and ' La Petite Glaneuse' (Stockholm National Museum). His studies of peasant life in Picardy and Sweden won him popularity by their dainty charm, capable draughtsmanship and refined treatment, but his work shows a lack of individuality. He died at Lund on August 1, 1S94.

SALOMAJSI, Geskel, Danish painter; born April 1, 1821, at Tondern, Schleswig ; studied at the Copenhagen Academy under Eckerberg and Lund. He subsequently visited Paris, where he worked with Couture, and in 1860 and 1861 travelled in .-Mgeria. His 'News from the Crimea' is in the ijoteborg Museum, and other works by him include ' Girl with Letter,' ' Opfer der Huhner,' and others. He also painted several portraits ; became a member of the Swedish Academy in 1871 : was appointed Court Painter in 1876; received the Vasa Urder in 1869, and died in 1890.

SALOMON, Bernard, an engraver, called also Le petit Bernard,' Bernardus Gallus, and Bernardo Gallo, was born at Lyons (?) about 1520. Though there is a doubt as to Lyons being his birthplace, he certainly resided there in the last half of the 16th century, and was engaged in book illustration. His best works were illustrations to the Bible and to Ovid's ' Metamorphoses." He is said to have had a son, Jean Bernard, who practised the same art as hi.s father, and was called Giovanni Gallo, Johannes Gallus, &c.

SALT, Henry, a draughtsman, was born about 1785 at Lichfield, where lie was also educated. He accompanied Lord Valentia to India in 1802, and furnished the iilustrations for the book of travels published by that nobleman in 1809. He was em- ployed by the Government to carry presents to negotiate an alliance with the King of Abyssinia, the artistic result of which was the publication of twenty-four -iews of Abyssinia, and the Red Sea. In 1815 he was appointed Consul-General for Egypt, and devoted himself to the study of the antiquities of that country. He died between Cai-ro and Alexandria in 1827.

SALTARELLO, Luca, (Sartarelli,) was born at Genoa in 1610, .and was a disciple of Domenicc Fiasella. At an early age he gave proofs of extra- ordinary ability, but going in 1635 to Rome in search of improvement, he there fell a victim to his unremitting labour while still very younsr

Works GeDOa. San Siefano. The Miracle of St, Beuedict. „ S. Andrta, Martyrilom of St. .udrew, IJsbon. The Trinity.

SALTER, Willum, historical anil portrait painter, was bom at Honitou in 1804, went to London in 1822, and became a pupil of Northcote.