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Page:Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers, volume 5.djvu/44

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He then went to Florence, where he painted a picture of 'Socr.ites before the Areopagus,' and thence to Rome and Parma, at which latter city liis studies from Corregsjio became famous. In 1833 he returned to England, where he painted a picture of the ' Waterloo Banquet.' He was also employed in painting scenes from Shakespeare, and historical scenes from the lives of the Stuarts. Salter was a vice-president of the Society of British Artists. He died in London in 1875.

SALTO, Diego de, an Augustine friar of Seville, who took the vov,'s in 1570, and devoted his leisure to illuminating.

SALTZBURGER, P., a German engraver on wood, who flourished about the year 1580 ; most of his cuts are from the designs of Jost Amman.

SALVA, Carniero Joaquin de, a Portuguese engraver, born at Oporto in 1727. He studied at Rome, and was appointed Professor in the School of Engraving at Lisbon, where he died in 1818.

SALVADOR OF Valencia, a Spanish painter of the 15th century, who worked with Benozzo Gozzoli at Rome, and was patronized by Calixtus III., about 1450.

SALVADOR CARMONA, Manoel, was an en- graver and designer, who was born at Madrid in 1730, and became a pupil of Dupuis in Paris. He died at iladrid in 1807. His engravings are much esteemed. Among the more important may be reckoned the following:

An Allegory in houour of Charles III. of Spain ; after Bacchu.s crowning his Votaries ; after Velazquez. A JIadonua seated on Clouds ; after JIurillo. 1SU2. A Madonna; after Van Dyck. 1757. The Resurrection; after j'an Loo, 1757. St. John the Baptist ; after Haphael Mentjs. 17S4. The Magdalene ; after the same. St. Ferdinand praying ; after Murillo. 1791. Angels appeariirg to Mary Magdalene ; after Guerciiu). Portrait of Franijois Boucher ; after Rodin Suedois. Portrait of Collin de Vermont ; after the same. Portrait of Charles III. ; after Raphael ilenys. 17S3. Portrait of Don Alfonso P." de Guzman ; after Van Dyck. Joseph, a Carmelite Monk ; after Velazquez.

SALVADOR GOMEZ, Ldciano, supposed to be a brother of Vicente S. Gomez, was a pupil of Jacinto de Espinosa. A ' St. Barbara,' in the cathedral and a ' St. Erasmus,' in the Dominican convent, at Valencia, are ascribed to him. He was living' in 1662.

SALVADOR GOMEZ, Vicente, was a native of Valencia, and pupil of Jacinto de Espinosa. At the age of fourteen he is recorded to have painted a series of pictures from the life of St. Ignatius Loyola, which gained him enough reputation to keep him fully employed in the Valentian churches and convents for the rest of his life. He was a skilful painter of birds and animals, also of arclii- lecture; and his colour was pleasing. In 1670 he was the Director of an academy held in the convent of St. Dominic, and in 1675 he executed ten scenes from the lives of St. Juan de Mala and St. Felix de Valois for the choir of the church of El Remedio. These are the only dates relating to liira which are certainly known. His pictures are numerous.

S.4.LVAD0R, Mariano Maello, of Valencia, born in 1739, studied painting with Gonsalez Velazquez at Madrid. He was appointed painter to the King and Director-General of the Academy of St. Fer- dinand. In 1775 he was employed in Valencia, with Bayeu, to replace the venerable frescoes of Juan de Borgoiia in Toledo with daubs of his own. He furnished illustrations, engraved by Salvador Carmona, for the Infant Don Gabriel's Sallust. He died in 1819.

SALVATORE D'ANTONIO, the author of a panel in San Niccolo, Messina, painted at the close of the 15th century, representing St. Francis re- ceiving the stigmata, is thought by some to have been the father of Antonello da Messina, but no records of his life or death exist. The latest opinion would make him the pupil of Antonello.

SALVESTRINI, Bartolommeo, a Florentine painter of the 17th century, one of the most suc- cessful imitators of Jan Bilivert. He died while Btill young, a victim to the plague of 1630. SALVETTI, Francesco, a minor Florentine painter and engraver, born 1701. He was the pupil and intimate friend of Anton Domenico Grabbiaiii. He died in 1768.

SALVI, Giovanni Battista, called II Sasso-I'ERRA'I'O from his birthplace in the March of An- cona, born in 1605, the son of a painter, Tarquinio Salvi. He is usually classed among the followers of the Carracci, and is said to have been more especially influenced by Domenichino at Naples. At Rome, where the greater part of his life was spent, he produced a large number of pictures, one of the best being an .iltar-piece for the Dominicans of Sta. Sabina on the Aventine, representing the Madonna del Rosario with SS. Catherine and Dominic ; the picture was stolen in the summer of 1901, but was shortly after recovered and restored to its place. His works, mostly Ma- donnas, are very frequently met with in public and private collections. His free copies after Raphael, Titian, Perugino and other masters are occasionally of great merit, being far superior to his original works, which have all the defects of the late 17th century, and are often chalky and unpleasant in colour. Among his best-known paintings are the following :

Bremen. Frau Burger- } The Bladonna in prayer. One meister Liirman. J of the best examples of this composition, which he frequently repeated. Other examples in London, at Dresden, Munich, .Madrid and elsewhere. Sleep of the Infant Saviour. Other examples at Madrid, Paris and elsewhere. His orni Portrait. The Immaculate Conception. The Workshop of St. Joseph. Adoration of the Shepherds, The Cruciiixiou. Dresden. Florence. Milan. XapU'S. Gallery. Uffizi. Brera. Jlusemn. North Cray, Kent, Other works at Berlin, Brussels, Cassel, Frank- fort, the Hague, Rome, St. Petersburg, Venice, Vienna, &c.

SALVI, Tarquinio, a Roman painter of the 16th century, of whom little is known. He was a native of Sassoferrato, and the father and first teacher of Giambattista Salvi, called Sassoferrato. His only recorded work is a large ' Rosario,' in the Eremitani at Rome. It is signed and dated 1553.

SALVIATI, Francesco. See Dei Rossi, Fran-cesco.

SALVIATI, Giuseppe. See Porta.

SALVIATINO. See Dei Rossi, Francesco.

SALVIN, Anthony. The exquisite quality of the pencil and pen-and-ink drawings made by this architect demand that he should find a place in 'Bryan's Dictionary.' His work as an architect was of very high merit, aud many notable buildings stand as his memorial. Perhaps one of his greatest