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Page:Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers, volume 5.djvu/95

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Loalfi de la Tour d'Auvergne, Count d'Evreux ; q/Ver Rigaud. Ch. de St. Albin, Archbishop of Cambray ; after the same. Pierre Mipiard ; after the same. Antoine Pesne ; after a picture hy himself. Maurice Quentin cie la Tour ; after the same. The Virgin and Child, with St. John ; after Vandyck. The Presentation in the Temple ; after Pietro Testa. Alexander and his Physician ; after A nn. Carracci. A Bust of the Virgin ; after Sassoferrato. Dutch Boors regaling ; after A. Ostade.


His own Portrait, drawing. The Portrait of Rembrandt ; after a picture ly himself. The Raising of Jairus's Daughter ; after Rembrandt. The Presentation in the Temple ; after Dietricy. Lot and his Daughters ; after Rembrandt. The Mother of Rembrandt ; after the same.

SCHMIDT, Heinrich, painter, born at Saar- briick in 1740 (1760), painted historical works, portraits, and landscapes. He lived chiefly at Naples, and was painter to the court of Hesse Darmstadt, and died in 1818.

SCHMIDT, Hei.nrich Friedbich Thomas, painter .nnd engraver, bom at Berlin in 1780. He practised first at Leipsic, and afterwards at Weimar. There are portraits by liim of Wieland, Gall, Scliiller, Kant, and tl)e Czar, Alexander I.

SCHMIDT, ISAAK, born at Amsterdam in 1740, received his first lessons in painting from Jan Van Hu}-sum, and subsequently became a scholar of J. M. Quinkhardt, with whom he remained six years. After some attempts at portrait painting, in which he did not succeed to his wishes, be applied himself to landscape, and painted several good pictures in concert with Juriaan Andriessen. His pictures are not numerous, as he devoted much of his time to teaching, and to poetry and music. He wrote some comedies, and translated a ' Life of Rubens.' He was one of the founders of the drawing academy at Amsterdam in 1759, and continued to be a director till the time of his death, which occurred in 1818. His son Isaak practised portrait painting for a time, but eventually became a professor in the School of Artillery and Engineering at Delft. He died in 1826.

SCHMIDT, JoHAXN Gottfried, engraver, bom at Dresden in 1764, studied under Rasp, and pro- duced many good engravings, among them a series of fifty portraits of theologians.

SCHiUDT, JoHANN Heixbich, painter, was bom at Hildburghausen in 1749. He studied at Leipsic, and travelled through France and Italy, where he made a name by portraits in oil and pastel. In 1775 he went to Dresden as court painter, and in 1791 painted a ' Council of Princes at Pillnitz.' He executed pastel portraits of Suwarrow, Nelson, the Archduke Charles, Napoleon, &c., and one of the Princess Augusta of Saxony, now in the Dresden Gallery. He died at Dresden in 1829.

SCHMIDT, Martin Joachim, painter and engraver, was bom at Grafenworth, near Krems, in 1718. He etched a number of altar-pieces and mythological subjects, in the manner of Rembrandt and Castiglione. He died in Krems in 1801. There are some examples of his work in the Vienna Aeademy.

bCHMIDT, Mathias, painter and engraver, bom at Mannheim in 1749, painted landscapes, and copied the etchings of Karel Dujardin, Adriaan van de Velde, Jan Fyt, &c. He also etched a number of plates after original drawings by Ferdinand Kobell and Rembrandt. He died at Munich in 1823.

SCHMIDT, Maximilian, Grerman painter ; bom August 23, 1818, at Berlin ; studied at the Berlin Academy and also with Begas, Karl Kriiger, and W. Schirmer. He travelled in Turkey, Palestine, Egypt, the Ionian Islands, Italy, and England, f.om 1861 to 1870. In 1868 he was appointed Professor at the Weimar Art School. In 1872 he taught at the Konigsberg Academy, of which later on he was made Director. He painted landscapes and architectural subjects. Works by him are to be seen at the Galleries of Berlin, Danzig, Cologne, Konigsberg, Munich, Rostock, &c. He also executed frescoes. He obtained medals at Vienna and at Berlin ; was the recipient of various Orders. He died 1902.

SCU-MIL'T, Ole JOrgex, draughtsman and archi- tect, was born at Copenhagen, July lo, 1793. He studied for three years at the Copenhagen Academy, winning various honours, and then went to Italy, where he devoted himself to investiga- tions at Pompeii and Herculaneum, and in 1830 he published a number of outline drawings of the antique frescoes, and sketches of arabesques, orna- ments, &c. which liiid been brought to light in the buried cities. He died at Hamburg, February 27, 1848.

SCHMIDT, WiLLKM Hendbik, painter, was bom at Amsterdam in 1819. At first he combined the study of art with his father's trade of mattress- making, but a tour through Germany in 1840 con- tributed largely to his improvement. In 1842 he was professor in the Delft Academy. The Museum at Cologne and the ilunich New Pinakothek possess examples of his art. He died in 1849.

SCHMITHS, Heinbich N., (Schmitz,) engraver, born at Kaisersworth, near Diisseldorf, in 1758. His father was a fisherman, but J. L. Krahe took him up and introduced him to art. He learned copper engraving in Paris under Wille. He died at Diisseldorf in 1790. Of his plates we m.ay name: A group of Cliildren ; after Rulens. Our Lord and St. John ; after Scarsellino. Christ and the Magdalene ; after Baroecio.

SCHMITSON, Teutwart, born at Frankfort in 1830, a self-taught artist, was the son of an Austrian officer. He painted his first large picture in Diis- seldorf. Thence he went successively to Carls- ruhe, Berlin, Italy, and Vienna. He wns fond of animals, and often p.ainted them. He etched one plate, 'The Return of Venus to Paphos.' He died at Vienna in 1863.

SCHMUTZ, J. Johann RuDOLrn, a Swiss painter, born at Regensperg, in the canton of Zurich, in 1670. He was a scholar of Mathias Fuessli, and at first applied himself to the study of historical painting, but failing in this he turned his thoughts to por- traiture, to which his genius was better adapted. He visited England at a period when Sir Godfrey Kneller was in the zenith of his reputation, and imitated his style. He died in London in 1715.

SCHMUTZER, Jakob Matihias, the son of Andreas Schmutzer, was bom at Vienna in 1733. After learning the rudiments of design in iiis native city under Donner, he went to Paris, where he studied under J. G. Wille. On his return to Vienna he was appointed director of the Academy estab- lished by the Empress, IJIaria Theresa. He died at Vienna in 1811. Among his plates are the following:

Mutius Scaivola before Porsenna ; after Rubens. St. Gregory repulsing Theodoeius ; after the same.