Veuus rising from the Sea ; nfter the same.
Neptune and Thetis ; aftir the same.
Wolf Hunt ; after Snyders.
Portraits of Prince Kaunitz ; after Tocque, Steincr^ and
The Empress Maria Theresa ; after Du Creiix.
(And several other Imperial portraits.)
SCHMUTZER, Johann Adam, tlie eldest son of Jakob Matthias Schmiitzer, born about 1700 at Vienna, and died in 1739, was an engraver of little ability.
SCHMUTZER, JosEru and Andreas, brothers of the foregoing, were natives of V'ienna. They are here included in one article, as they generally worked juintly on the same plate, signing it Jos. And. or And. Jos., as one or the other had done most of it. Andreas died at Vienna in 1741, and Joseph in 1740. We have, among twenty-live given by Nagler, the following plates by them: The Emperor Cliarles VI. ; after Met/tens. The Empress Elizabeth Cbristian; after Auerhach. Qiiesteuberg ; after Sei/holJ. Two Views of a Temple ; after G. Galli Bibiena. Three subjects from the History of Decius ; after the pictures by Rubens in tbe Liechtenstein Gallery.
SCHMUTZER, Jdseph, a painter, born at Vienna in 1806, was a pupil of the Academy and an ex- cellent lithographer after the works of the old Geniian masters. He died in 1837.
SCUNAPH AN, Abbaham, painter, bom at Leyden in 1651, painted portraits and tigure subjects in the style of Mieris, but his works are only to be seen in the collections of the Anhalt-Dessau family, to which he was painter. He died in 1691.
SCHNATZLER, JoiiANN ULr.lcH, portrait painter, was born at Schuffliausen in 1704. He was a painter of some talent, and also practised sculpture, but his life was spoilt by intemperance. He died in 176.S.
SCHNEBBELIE, Jacob C, bom in London in 1760, acquiring some knowledge of drawing under Paul Saiidby, left his business as a confectioner, and commenced teaching drawing. He was appointed draughtsman to the Society of Anti- quaries, and made drawings for the 'Gentleman's Magazine' and ' Morris's Monastic Remains.' He was chiefly employed on antiquarian and topogra- phical subjects, which he drew and etched, or aqua-tinted. He died in London in 1792. His son, ItoBEiiT Bremmel Schnebbelik, was engaged in drawing for the ' Gentleman's Magazine ' and other periodicals. He was found in his room dead, apparently from want, about 1849.
SCHNl5lDER, JoHAN.v Kaspar, painter, bom at Mayence in 1753, was a pupil of Heideloff, and painted altar-pieces, landsciipes, and portraits. In the New Pinakothek at Munich there is a landscape by him. He died in 1839.
SCHNEIDER, N. N., painter, was born in Brabant in the first half of the 18th century. In 1753 he was a member of the Pictura Societj', at the Hague, but afterwards migrated thence to Amsterdam. lie painted landscapes with birds and game.
SCHNELL, Friedrich, engraver, born at Darm- stadt in 1790, a pupil of Haldenwang, has left an engraving of Strassburg Cathedral, after a drawing by August von Bayer, which displays great care and attention to detail. He died in 1834.
SCHNELL, JoHANN, a portrait painter of Basle, who visited England about 1720, and died at Bristol.
SCHNELLBOTZ, Gabriel, (Schnellboltz, ScHNELLiiOLTZ,) engraver, is said by some to have been bom at Merseburg, by others at Wit- tenberg, iu 1536. It appears that, in addition to his pr.ictice as a designer and engraver, ho carried on the business of a printer and bookseller at Wittenberg, and published several works there in 1662 and 1563. 'The mark S on a perpendicular arrow is the rebus of his name.
SCHNETZ, Jean Victor, painter, bom at Ver- sailles in 1787, studied under David, Regnault, Gros, and Gerard, and, in 1810, exhibited his ' Death of Colbert.' In 1825 he went to Italy, and by hi» study there improved greatly in style and colouring, as may be seen by the pictures he painted about that time. The 'Battle of Ascalon' was the best of these. On his return from Italy he painted for several Parisian churches, among which were Notre Dame de Lorette and St. Severin. In 1840 he became director of the French Academy at Rome ; but from 1847 to 1852 heresided in Paris, but went to Rome again, returning in 1866 to Paris, and dying there in 1870. Works :
Coudo at tlie Battle of Senef. (Versailles.) Conde at Rocroi. (Do.) The Battle of Ascalon. (Do.) Several portraits. (Do.) Esther and Jlordecai. (An'as.) Funeral in the Koman Catacombs, (yantes.) Ceiling of the ' Septieme Salle,' in the Louvre.
SCHNITZER, John', an early engraver on wood, who flourished about the year 1486. He executed the cuts for the edition of Ptolemy published at Ulm in the above year. The Map of the World is ornamented with ten heads, representing the winds, rudely cut. It is inscribed, Inscidptum est per Johannem Schnitzer de Arnsheim.
SCHNITZLER, J. Michael, painter, born at Neuburg in 1785, the son of a painter, settled at Augsburg when he was eighteen years old, and worked at the Academy. Ho afterwards went to Stiittgart, Ulm, and Munich, where he worked as a scene-painter at the theatre. He painted animals in the style of Hondekoeter. He died at Munich in 1862. Works :
Berlin. JVat. Gallery. Partridges on a Table. Munich. A'eic Pinakothek, Hawk killing a Dove. „ „ Three pictures of Dead Wild-fowl.
SCHNIZER, Joseph vo.v, painter, born at Wein- garten, near Ravensburg, in 1792, was the son of an Austrian Colonel, and studied at the Munich Academy. In 1812 he was obliged to enter the army, but after serving through the campaigns of 1813, '14, and '15, he again took to art. He painted several military pictures for the King of Wnrtem- berg, among which were the 'Storming of Sens' and the ' Battle of Montereau.' He died at Stiitt- gart in 1870.
SCHNORR VON KAROLSFELD, Johann (or Hans) Veit, painter, bom at Schneeberg, in the Erzgebirge, in 1764, was intended for the law, and" studied jurisprudence till he was twenty-five, when he entered the art school of Oeser at Leipsic. On the death of his father he gave himself up entirely to art, and settled at Konigsberg. In 1802 he paid visits to Paris and Vienna, and in 1803 was ap- pointed teacher of drawing in the Academy at Leipsic, and in 1816 director and professor. He died at Leipsic in 1841.
SCHNORR VON KAROLSFELD, Julius (Veit Hans), historical painter, bom at Leipsic in 1794,