first studied under his father, Hans Veit Schnorr,
but in 1811 went to the Academy at Vienna, and
in 1817 to Italy. He associated in Florence with
Kumolir, proceeding afterwards to Rome, where he
joined Cornelius, Overbeck, Veit, and Koch, and
formed one of the great German colony then in the
Eternal City. On Cornelius's recommendation he
was commissioned to paint scenes from Ariosto, in
fresco, in the Villa Massimi. In 1825 he was in-
vited to Munich, but before returning to Germany
he visited Sicily. In 1827 he went to Munich,
where he became professor in the Academy, and
decorated the ' Konigsbau ' with scenes from the
' Xiebelungen Lied.' In 1835 he accepted a com-
mission to paint scenes from the history of CharJe-
magne. Barbarossa, and Rudolf of Hapsburg in
the so-called ' Saalbau.' In 1846 he obeyed a
summons to become professor of the Dresden
Academy and director of the Picture Gallery,
which posts he retained till 1871, when he was
obliged to resign on account of ill health and loss
of sight. In 1851 he visited London, and entered
into an agreement with De Bunsen for an illus-
trated Bible, which came out at Leipsic in parts.
He made cartoons for some of the windows in St.
Paul's. He died at Dresden in 1872. Besides the
works above noted we may name :
Berlin. Kat. Gallery. Siegfried returning from the Saxon "War. {Cartoon.) „ „ Laying out the dead in Etzel's Palace. (Dc.) Dresden. Gallery. Visit of Ananias to PauL (Cartoon for St. Paul's, London.) „ „ Visit of Zacliarias, Elizabeth, and St. John to the Holy Family. UuDJch. Pinakothik. Hagen and Dankwjirt refuse to greet Chrimhild.
SCHNORR VOX KAROLSFELD, Lnwvia Fer-PINAND, painter, bom at Leipsic in 1789, was the brother of Julius Schnorr, and received, like him, his first instruction from their father, Hans Veit Schnorr. In 1804 he went to Vienna, and at- tended the Academy, where lie followed the style of Fiiger, and made his reputation by a scene from Goethe's 'Faust,' now in the Belvedere at Vienna. He was appointed custodian of the Belvedere, in Vienna, where he died in 1853. He etched a few plates.
SCHOBELT, Pato, German painter; born March 9, 1838, at Magdeburg ; studied first at the Academies of Dtisseldorf, Berlin, and Paris, and fiubsequently in Paris with Gleyre ; he received a sum of money from the Prussian Government to enable him to study in Italy, and he then settled at Breslau, where he held the post of Art Professor. His 'Venus and Bellona' is in the Berlin National 'Gallery, and his 'Rape of Proserpine' and 'Triumph of Genius ' are well known. 'The Festival Room of the Cultusministerium contains work by him. He died at Bre.vlau, May 2, 18y3.
SCHODLBERGER, Johann Nepomuck, painter, horn at Vienna in 1779, was a pupil of the Institute in Vienna, and painted and etched landscapes, most of them with figures, such as, ' A View of the Traunfall,' ' The Waterfall at Tivoli,' ' The Interior of an Italian Church,' 'An ideal Landscape.' He died at Vienna in 1853.
SCHOEMACKER-DOYER, Jakob, painter, was bom at Crefeld about 1792. His father, who was Dutch, took his sou while still a boy to Amster- dam, where he became the pupil of S. Aodrieaeen. He also studied under M. van Br^e at Antwerp, after which he returned to Holland, and divided his time between Amsterdam and Zwolle. He painted portraits, genre, and sometimes history.
SCHOENMACKERS, Jan Pietersz, or Pietersz Jax, born at Dort in 1755, was a pupil of Jacob van Stry, and painted views of cities in the manner of Vander Heyden. His pictures are to be found in the best modern collections in Holland. The figures in them were painted by the best of his contemporaries. At one of the exhibitions at Dort there were four pictures by him, in which the vessels and figures were painted by J. C. Schotel, and a similar work is in the Amsterdam Museum. Schoenniiickers died in 1842.
SCHOENN, Alois, German painter and engraver; born March 11, 1826, at Vienna; became a pupil of Ftihrich and L. Russ, and for two years (1850 to 1851) studied with Horace Vernet in Paris. He went through the Italian campaign of 1848, travelled in the East and in Hungary, and then settled at Vienna, where he painted landscape and genre, and also scenes from Jewish popular life. His 'Auszug der Studenten' is in the Museum, Innsbruck, and ' Zigeunerlager,' ' Sturm auf Lo- drone,"Volkstheaterauf Chioggia' and 'Egyptische Hochzeit' are effective examples of his work at its best. He obtained the Berlin gold medal in 1875, the Legion of Honour in 1878, and the Karl Ludwig medal (Viennn) and Francis Joseph Order in 1882 and 1883. He died at Krumpendorf (Carinthia), September 16, 1897.
SCHOEVAERDTS, (or Schovaerts,) M., a Flemish painter of village festivals and merry- makings, is supposed to have been born in 1G67. His pictures are frequently met with in the Netherlands, and possess considerable merit. His baptismal name has not been ascertained. He signed his pictures, and his two known etchings, M. SchoevaerdU. Two of his works have been engraved under the titles ' Fete de campagne Hol- landaise,' and ' Retour de la Fete HoUandaise.' There are two village scenes by him in the Gallery of the Louvre. He has been sometimes confounded with Christopher Schwartz.
SCHOLDEKER. Otto, German painter ; bom in 1834, at Frankfort-on-the-Maine, where he first studied ; was for some years resident in London ; died at Frankfort, 1902.
SCHON, Bartel. See Schokgadkr.
SCHON, Erhard, painter and draughtsman on wood, a pupil or imitator of Diirer, died in 1542. He resided at Nuremberg, and much of his early work is to be found in books published, there or at Lyons, by the firm of Koberger, especially in the 'Hortulus Animae' (editions of 1517, 1518, 1520), in the Vulgates printed at Lyons by Sacon and Marion in 1519, 1520, 1521, and 1522, and in the German Bible printed at Nuremberg by Peypus in 1524. In all these works his illustrations are mixed with those of Springinklee. His woodcuts are very imper- fectly described by Bartsch. His most important separate cut is a large rosary (Pass. iii. 35, 243). He designed a pack of playing-cards. About 1528 he had relations with Bohemian printers and pub- lishers, and one of his best works is a title-border, with tlie tree of Jesse, bearing that date, which appeared in a Bohemian Bible printed at Prague in 1529. In 1538 he issued at Nuremberg a work on proportion and drawing, to which he added five
new cuts, dealing with the proportions of l^e horse,