Page:CAB Accident Report, AAXICO Logair Flight 1422A.pdf/2

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Glasgow AFB, due to weather. Thereafter, the flight progressed in a routine manner, accomplishing all stops and landed at McChord AFB at 1118 on April 23.

Shortly after arrival at McChord AFB a person identifying himself as, "a pilot on the Logair aircraft" called the base weather station at McChord and inquired if it were possible to go VFR from McChord to Boeing Field, thence to Hill AFB. Whether the caller was the captain or first officer is not known. However, he received a weather briefing which established that VFR flight conditions existed over the proposed route. Lowering ceiling were forecast over southeastern Idaho and Utah, but with improving conditions anticipated by late afternoon. The pilot advised he would file FVR and if necessary, could refile in the air if southeastern Idaho and Utah did not improve. The pilot was also provided with a wind forecast which called in part for 240 degrees, 5 to 10 knots, at 10,000 feet from Boeing to Pendleton.

A VFR flight plan was filed (Form DD175) with MATS Operations at McChord AFB for the flight from McChord AFB to Hill AFB, Ogden, Utah, with an intermediate stop at Boeing Field, Seattle, Washington. The estimated time en route to Boeing Field was 15 minutes. The estimated time from Boeing Field to Hill AFB was 2 hours and 30 minutes. At 1230, Logair 6541C departed McChord AFB, VFR for Boeing Field and arrived at the gate area at 1243. The flight was routine to Boeing Field.

Ground operations at Boeing Field were routine. The crewmembers appeared normal to persons acquainted with them. There was no known discussion by the flight crew of the type of flight planned or of weather conditions which were expected to be encountered en route. No aircraft maintenance was performed at Boeing Field.

AAXICO had two preplanned flight plans that were required to be followed from Boeing Field to Hill AFB, one for IFR and one for VFR. The specified VFR routing which was filed for this flight was: direct to Seattle VOR, Airway V-4 to Pendleton, Oregon, direct to a point 22 nautical miles northeast of Boise, Idaho on the 028-degree radial of the Boise VOR, direct to Burley Idaho, Airway V-101 to Ogden, and direct to Hill AFB. The highest minimum en route altitude specified is 11,500 feet between Burley, Idaho and Ogden, Utah.

At 1402 the crew of Logair 6541C contacted the Boeing Tower and stated, "Boeing Tower Logair four one Charlie Taxiing VFR Hill Field over." The controller replied, "Four one Charlie runway one three, wind two zero zero at one six, altimeter three zero two three, time zero two." The crew acknowledged. Logair 6541C was cleared for takeoff and departed Boeing Field on runway 13 at 1405. The aircraft's departure time was then forwarded to the Seattle Flight Service Station (FSS). At 1411, the flight reported its position to the Seattle FSS on frequency 126.7 mce., as 17 miles south of Seattle. At this time the flight requested a radio frequency on which to contact the Seattle Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC). The FSS at Seattle relayed the information that 133.5 mcs. was the frequency to be used and the crew acknowledged.[1]

  1. The ARTCC tape revealed the coordination effected between the FSS and the ARTCC controller concerning the flight's request for a frequency took place between 1411:35 and 1412:05.