Page:CAB Accident Report, AAXICO Logair Flight 1422A.pdf/3

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The following times specified are to the nearest second and have been taken from the FAA transcript of the Seattle ARTCC tape recording of voice communications.

At 1413:03 the ARTCC received the following call from Logair 6541C on 133.5 mcs: "Seattle Center Logair four one Charlie on one thirty three five over." At 1413:06 the ARTCC controller replied, "Logair four one Charlie Seattle Stand by."

At 1413:50 the ARTCC initiated the following message: "Logair four one Charlie Seattle Center go ahead." At 1414:00 the message was repeat3ed: there was no reply received from the flight. At approximately 1414 the Seattle FSS specialist heard the flight calling his station on frequency 135.9 mcs. Attempts by the Seattle FSS to contact the flight on this frequency were unsuccessful."

About 1417 Logair 6541C called the FSS (on 126.7 mcs.) and two-way voice communications were established. Written records of the Seattle FSS revealed the aircraft's position was reported by the crew to be 33 nautical miles on Airway V-4,[1] climbing through 9,000 feet. At this time the crew requested an IFR clearance via V-4, V-101 Ogden, direct to Hill AFB, at 15,000 feet.

The FSS specialist then contacted the Seattle ARTCC via interphone to forward the information received and to obtain the requested clearance for the flight. Seattle FSS records reveal that the pilot's request for the clearance was forwarded to the ARTCC at 1418. The ARTCC tape recording reveals this coordination was effected between 1421:05 and 1421:30. The ARTCC's instructions were, "... ATC clears Logair four one CHarlie contact Seattle Center on one two zero point three for IFR clearance." The Seattle FSS delivered the message to Logair 6541C.

Between 1421:30 and 1421:55 the flight plan data received from the Seattle FSS were being coordinated between the Center departure controllers. At 1421:55 the Center primary radar controller received the following call from the flight: "Seattle Center Logair four one Charlie one two zero point three." The controller acknowledged the call and radio communications were established. At this time the crew reported they were standing by for their IFR clearance to Hill. In response to this the controller replied, "Logair four one Charlie Roger en route to Hill Field and we don't seem to have your flight plan handy, say again your requested flight plan."

At 1422:21 the crew repeated the routing and altitude previously requested. The controller ascertained that the aircraft had no transponder and learned that the aircraft had DME installed. The controller then requested the aircraft's position. The crew's reply and last radio transmissions follow :

1422:37 (6541C) - "OK we're (up on)[2] the one two five degree radial presently thirty-nine miles out."

  1. Airway V-4 is constituted in part by the 102-degree radial of the Seattle VCR.
  2. Unintelligible word/s - best determination is that words are "UP-ON."