Page:CAB Accident Report, AAXICO Logair Flight 1422A.pdf/4

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1422:49 (ARTCC) - "Roger and that, and is that from the Seattle?"
1422:52 (6541C) - "Affirmative."
1423:00 (ARTCC) - "Roger four one Charlie what's your altitude now?"
1423:03 (6541C - "We're climbing through ten point five, VFR."
1423:18 (ARTCC) - "Four one Charlie Roger and what is your position with relation to Mt. Rainier?"

There was no answer to this request and no further contact with the flight.

The accident occurred at 46°51′35″ North Latitude and 121°48′07″ West Longitude, 40.2 nautical miles southeast of the Seattle VORTAC at the 10,200-foot level on the west slope of Mt. Rainier, whose summit is 14,410 feet. The time was established as 1423:18 April 23, 1965. The accident occurred during daylight hours.

1.2Injuries to personnel

Injuries Crew Passengers Others
Fatal 5 0 0
Nonfatal 0 0 0
None 0 0

Post-mortem examinations of the flight crewmembers revealed no evidence of any human factor condition that would have affected their flight abilities.

1.3Damage to Aircraft

The aircraft was destroyed. The Nos. 1 and 2 engines and fragmented portions of the left wing remained inbedded in the glacier ice at the 10,200-foot elevation on the west slope of the mountain. The remaining position of the wreckage slid down the face of the glacier and came to rest at an elevation of about 9,600 feet on a relatively level area on the glacier. The No. 3 engine with its nacelle had separated from the wing. The right outboard wing and the No. 4 engine had separated from the aircraft. The rear fuselage broke off just forward of the cargo door. The forward fuselage and cockpit area broke off at approximately Station 231. The right inboard wing had broken off and was found inverted close to the aft fuselage.

1.4Other Damage

There was no damage to property on the ground.

1.5Crew Information

Captain Alvin P. Petry, age 40, possessed airline transport pilot certificate No. 1387315 withe airplane multiengine and single-engine land and DC-6/7 ratings. He also possessed a flight instructor certificate with airplane and instrument ratings. His latest Federal Aviation Agency (FAA) en route inspection was accomplished on July 20, 1964, his latest company line check on July 21, and July 23, 1964, and his last proficiency check was completed on February 23, 1965. All of the above inspections and checks were satisfactorily accomplished in