Page:CAB Accident Report, Eastern Air Lines Flight 21.pdf/4

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deposition from him before the close of the hearing. His deposition was obtained, however, on March 28, 1941, and has been made a part of the record of the hearing.

While the Examiners and the representatives of the Safety Bureau were the only ones designated to ask questions directly of the witnesses, the Presiding Examiner, acting under instruction of the Board, announced at the opening of the hearing that any person who had any evidence, questions, or suggestions to present for consideration on the proceeding might submit them to the Examiners. Fifty-one written questions were so submitted during the hearing. Every question submitted was asked unless the subject matter of the question had previously been covered by the testimony.

Upon the basis of all the evidence accumulated in the investigation and hearing the Board now makes its report in accordance with the provisions of the Act.


Air Carrier

Eastern Air Lines, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "Eastern"), a Delaware corporation, was operating at the time of the accident as an air carrier under currently effective certificates of public convenience and necessity and air carrier operating certificates theretofore issued to it pursuant to the Act. Eastern is authorized by the certificates of public convenience and necessity, pursuant to which Trip 21 was operating, to engage in air transportation with respect to persons, property and mail between the co-terminal points