Page:CAB Accident Report, Eastern Air Lines Flight 21.pdf/5

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Newark, New Jersey, and New York, New York, and the terminal point New Orleans, Louisiana (designated as Route No. 5); between the terminal point New Orleans, Louisiana, and the terminal point Houston, Texas (designated as Route No. 20); and between the terminal point Houston, Texas, and the terminal point Brownsville, Texas, and between the terminal point Houston, Texas, and the terminal point San Antonio, Texas (designated as Route No. 42). The certificate for Route No. 5 designates as intermediate points Washington, D. C., Charlotte, North Carolina, and Atlanta, Georgia, among others.

Flight Personnel

On the flight in question, the crew consisted of Captain James A. Perry, Pilot Luther E. Thomas, and flight Steward Clarence Moore.

Captain Perry, aged 29, had accumulated a total of approximately 4,193 hours of flight time and was the holder of airline transport pilot certificate No. 9524. Since his employment by Eastern on May 15, 1937, he had accumulated 3,268 hours, of which approximately 838 hours had been as captain in Douglas DC-2 and DC-3 type airplanes. His last physical examination required by the Civil Air Regulations, which was taken on December 18, 1940, showed that he was in a satisfactory physical condition. Captain Perry, in addition to actual experience, had been given, from time to time, flight checks under simulated instrument conditions. Company records indicated that he was a well-qualified and proficient pilot.

Pilot Luther E. Thomas, aged 31 years, had accumulated a total of approximately 806 hours as copilot with Eastern on DC-2 and DC-3 airplanes and at the date of his employment by Eastern his total accumulated flight time had been approximately 2,459 hours. At the time of