Page:CAB Aircraft Accident Report, Pan Am Flight 214.pdf/21

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Information on all aspects of our program was given by the Federal Aviation Agency witness in testimony before the Board of Inquiry at Philadelphia on February 25. Thu letter, therefore, is limited. to A brief account of program status.

Technical Committee

A Technical Committee on lightning protection for aircraft fuel systems has been formed, composed of representation from the FAA, Civil Aeronautics Board, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, U. S. weather Bureau, U. S. Air Force, and U. S. Navy. The Committee has been meeting regularly and is providing guidance and assistance in planning and carrying out specific actions.

Installation of static dischargers

The response to the telegraphic recommendation of December 18, 1963, has been completely favorable. Installations are being made as parts become available. Late reports show that about 24 nut earner airplanes are yet to have dischargers installed. Availability of parts is the main factor in completing the reminder.

Collection and analysis of data

We are receiving lightning strike data from all available source. These data are being consolidated and analyzed with the assistance of the Technical Committee.

Contract with Atlantic Research Corp. (FA64WA-4955, dated January 30, 1965, Amount $70,259.00)

This work includes the evaluation of flame arrester designs for effectiveness, and studies and tests on other ways of protecting the vent system - such as explosion suppression and ventilation of vent outlet. Equipment calibration tests are now being conducted.

Contract With Lightning and Transients Research Institute (FA64WA-4960, dated February 4, 1964, Amount, $96,748.95)

This contractor is investigating the internal arcing possibility on typical wing tank construction, and will evaluate means of eliminating any arc found to exist. Later, proof tests of promising flame arrester designs will be conducted. The test article is in place and initial discharges are being fired to check out the equipment.