Page:CAB Aircraft Accident Report, Pan Am Flight 214.pdf/22

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Planning for comprehensive research and development projects

A more comprehensive program of research and development will be required for the purpose of refining design criteria, making advanced studies of protection concepts — in general covering areas of investigation not possible in the short-range contracts with Atlantic Research Corp. and LTRI. The Technical Committee is now considering suggestions for the scope and nature of the projects.

Fuels study

The questions which have been raised concerning the relative safety of JP-4, kerosene, and mixes of the two are being studied. To assist in the resolution of these questions, we have asked the Coordinating Research Council to undertake a review of all available data on the subject. The CRC is proceeding with this work, which will serve to define the "state of the art," identify areas where research may be needed, and recommend how to accomplish any needed research. In addition, we have issued Advisory Circular No. AC 20-20, which furnishes some general information on the subject.

Reevaluation of aircraft in service

Based upon information now at hand, later to be supplemented by information from the contract work and from the accident investigation, we are proceeding with a reexamination of the basis for approval of lightning protective features of all turbine-engined aircraft.

Through your Mr. Hallman's participation as a member of the Technical Committee, we are receiving information on the continuing work by your investigators, and he is being regularly informed of the status of lightning program plans, actions, and results. We believe that the collective efforts being applied to this program will be successful in producing practical ways and means for improved protection.

George S. Moore
Flight Standards Service