APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200110023-8
Route and Terrain | Road | Railroad | Offroad Dispersal and Vehicular Cross-Country Movement (CCM) |
From West Germany border at Helmstedt to East Berlin strategic area. Plains mainly cultivated between border and vicinity of Magdeburg. Between Magdeburg and East Berlin, forests, grass, and crops, numerous lakes, and extensive marshes. | Autobahn, in good condition. About 45 underpasses. | Double track, 4'8½" gage, from border to Magdeburg area. Generally single track to East Berlin. Railroad widely separated from road in many places. | Between border and point north of Magdeburg, many opportunities for easy offroad dispersal. CCM on cultivated surfaces usually good. Between point north of Magdeburg and East Berlin strategic area, forests and poor drainage make offroad dispersal and CCM prevailingly poor or unsuited. From Magdeburg to East Berlin strategic area, a canal generally parallels the railroad. |
From West Germany border near Boisenburg to East Berlin strategic area. Nearly flat to rolling plain. Brush, forest, crops, and grass. | Three-lane concrete or stone-block surfaces, in good condition. Several through-truss bridges. | Generally single track, 4'8½" gage; north of road from border to Boisenburg, roughly parallels road in remainder. | In the northwestern half of route, offroad dispersal easy; CCM fair in places by limited in some areas by marshes, bogs, and numerous lakes, streams, canals, ditches, and patches of forest. In remainder of route, these features are extensive and severely hinder or preclude all but local CCM; offroad dispersal poor to unsuited. |
Route connecting area best suited for amphibious landings and the route between border near Boisenburg and East Berlin strategic area. Mostly flat, cultivated plains, a few areas of brush, forest, and grass. | Autobahn, in good condition, from Warnemunde to Rostock. From Rostock to Wismar, two-lane bituminous surface, in good condition. Remainder of route two-lane bituminous or concrete surfaces, in fair to good condition. Sharp turns and narrow streets in towns. | Predominantly single track, 4'8½" gage; some sections double track. | Generally fair, but poor in places between Wismar and Ludwigslust. Wet areas, streams, lakes, ditches, canals, moist ground, and patches of forest major hindrances to movement. |
From East Berlin strategic area to Leipzig in the Saxony strategic area. Mostly flat to rolling plains. Brush, forests, crops, and grass. Almost entirely cultivated vegetation in south. | Autobahn, in good condition. Numerous underpasses. | Double track, 4'8½" gage. Line electrified from Bitterfeld to Leipzig | In North, prevailingly poor or unsuited. Primary hindrances are forests, moist or wet ground, and many lakes, watercourses, ditches, and canals. In southern part of route, mostly fair to good. |
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200110023-8