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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200110023-8

FIGURE 19. Boundaries (U/OU)
Boundary Length (Miles) Status Terrain
Baltic Sea coastline, including major islands and islets. 560 Territorial jurisdiction claimed 3 nautical miles offshore. Permanent batteries concentrated at Warnemunde and on the island of Ruegen. Nearly flat to gently undulating plain. Mostly cultivated, but many patches of forests.
West Germany 858 Demarcated but not recognized as an international boundary by U.S. No major permanent fortifications. Fences, trip flares, minefields, and bunkers. Border guarded and patrolled. Quality of fences and guard towers is continuously upgraded. Northern half (north of 52°N.) mostly flat to rolling plains. More than 50 miles of northern half formed by Elbe River. Patches of forests, cultivated vegetation, and wet areas.
Poland 290 Demarcated and undisputed. No major permanent fortifications. Fences, flares, and guard towers. Guarded, but security measures less than along boundary with West Germany. Not recognized by U.S. as international boundary. Boundary formed mainly by Oder and Neisse rivers through nearly flat to gently rolling, poorly drained plains. Vegetation mainly forests are cultivated crops, small areas of brush, grass, and peat bogs.
Czechoslovakia 285 Demarcated and undisputed. No major permanent fortifications. Fences, flares, cleared strips, and guard towers. Guarded, but security measures less than along boundary with West Germany. Boundary through mostly forested, rugged hills. Brush and cultivated crops locally.


APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200110023-8